

Let me preface this by saying that my house is crazy and I'm a paranoid freak.

SO--any time I discover that something is missing, I automatically assume that one of the kids ate the missing object. ?Tonight I'm tearing the house apart looking for a barrette. ?I had two of them earlier and now there's only one. ?It's one of those?barrettes?that you bend to snap it on place....just over an inch long.

Both kids seem to be fine, no trouble breathing, and no one was coughing or choking on anything. ?Would you take the kids to the ER to get them checked out (fully realizing that the missing item may not have been swallowed at all), or would you just wait and watch to see how the kids are doing??

L 7/06 E 8/07 L 6/10 imageimageimage


  • No.  I would not take a kid who is perfectly fine to the ER because I am missing a barrette.  If I did, I would be at the ER pretty much everyday. 
  • Logic says no, but I'm pretty paranoid too and would probably be doing the same thing as you.  I would keep looking for it and keep an eye on the kids.


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  • No, I would not be taking anybody anyplace.  If everything is seemingly fine just let it be.  The barrette will show up sooner or later.

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