Trying to Get Pregnant

Anyone TTC #2?

I'm just frusterated and impatient and don't like not being in control.  With #1 - I knew my cycle like the alphabet. 


I was VERY fortunate to get pregnant right away with #1.  I figured the same would be for #2.  However here I am 5 months later and I just got my period.  I guess what bumbs me the most is I wanted my kids 2 years apart and now we are going on 2 1/2 years.  

 Just a vent.  I know I should be happy w/ my one most adorable son.   

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Re: Anyone TTC #2?

  • Jeesh, you are so lucky, 5 months is very little time in the grand scheme of things.  I've basically been trying as long as your child has been alive feel that pain.  The whole time your DC been alive, I have just been trying to have one of my own. 
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I am. I always wanted to have kids close together but sometimes it doesn't work out that way. Remember to be thankful for what you have. Good luck to you.
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  • imagenova & paul:
    I am. I always wanted to have kids close together but sometimes it doesn't work out that way. Remember to be thankful for what you have. Good luck to you.


    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm not, but your son is really cute!
    "For a long time there were only your footprints & laughter in our dreams & even from such small things, we knew we could not wait to love you forever." Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We are TTC #2. My son will be over 3 when the next one comes, thats if we get pregnant pretty soon. I actually think its better this way because he will have a better understanding of whats going on.
  • I'm working on #2, it will be #1 for DH.  My #1 is almost 13 now!  We're on cycle #3, and I never realized how much actually goes into ttc.  My friend said the other day, "too bad this one hasn't been as easy as the first one"  I said "yeah, the first time was pretty easy.  Lets see, skip class, have sex.  Yup that pretty much did it for me!" lol 
  • Me and I'm pretty sure I'll be announcing my bfp tomorrow.I do understand that we often want our kids at a certain space apart, but it doesnt always happen that way. I wanted mine 2 years apart, and they will be 2.5 which is essentially the same. And quite a few girls here would be happy with just one.
    Love: 8/2000 | Marriage: 7/2005 | Baby makes three: 3/28/2007 | And one more makes...SIX?
    Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise. image
  • I am TTC my 2nd (DH's first).  I never wanted to have kids too close together.  Originally I was hoping for 5-6 years apart.  However, if I get pregnant soon, my son will be 11 y/o when the baby is born.  I will admit it has been a lot harder this time around but I am trying to be patient and hope for the best.
    BFP #1 (DS, 10/98), BFP #2 (DD, 10/09)
    BFP #3 -mm/c @ 7wks, discovered at 9wks, D&C 9/28
    BFP #4 5/29 EDD 2/9 - please be our rainbow
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • You should check out the Secondary IF board - most of us on there are in the same boat as you...

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