
It's a warzone here, but we're okay!

Hey evverybody!  After living in a primitive way for the last several days, I am beginning to feel somewhat normal again. 

First off, I'm only referring to myself and DH and DD.  There are still so many in my town and state without anything - including my parents who haven't had power since Tuesday.  They've been here showering, sleeping on occasion,doing laundary,etc.

I won't bother to describe the events that have happened - b/c you can imagine - power outages, gas shortages, medical staff shortages, etc, etc.  we lost power 6:00 PM Tuesday night and our generator wouldn't start.  Our kerosene heater made me sick and he had to put it out.  We tried to leave to go to a warming center for a while but both entrances to our neighborhood to to the same main road that had big large trees down in both directions.  So, we huddled together Tuesday night and thank God power came back on Wednesday afternoon about 1:00.

I still have no cell service and no cable.  In fact the cable line is still laying across my car.  DH is bummed b/c superbowl is tomorrow, but he has plenty to do tomorrow - that includes getting busy on the thousands of tree limbs in our yard.  I've taken pics and I'll share later.  We've had entertainment by listening to the scanner - but that can get to be very depressing.  My heart goes out to those who truly couldn't help themselves.

Both of our cars were outside for all of this b/c on one side were all of my Xmas decorations that we hadn't gotten put up into the attic yet, and on my side is the bedroomm furniture that DH is painting white for Blaire's big girl room.  So, I still have a cable line laying acrosss my car, and a tree split in half and fell on top of DH's.  Just a minor dent though. 

I will never complain again.  It's scary how we depend on so much.  I had no idea how much I depended on cell service, landlines, even cable (I missed ER thrusday night)  I probably won't see an event like this again in my lifetime (if I stay in Western KY).  I know this stuff happens all the time in hurricane-prone areas and in the north where weather gets bad often. 

We live in a large Western KY town, and have two publc school systems in our county - the county and city.  They probably won't be back in school till after next week.  And the rural counties have been told probably no school until mid February. 

Just keep us (not just us - but everyone hit hard by the storm) in your thoughts and hopefully spring will be here soon.

Re: It's a warzone here, but we're okay!

  • Wow!  I am so sorry for you!  We just went through a big ice storm in Dec so I know how the whole city just stops.  I am so glad that you got your power back on quickly.  Just about everything we do/use takes electricity-it's amazing all of the things you don't think about until you don't have it. 

    I hope your parent's electricity comes back on soon (and the rest of the area in the path of that storm).  Take care!

    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • WOW! but thank God you are all OK!  GL with getting everything back together.
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  • Yuck, stay safe and I am sure you'll be all back to normal in no time.  Yuck though.
  • Glad you're ok.

  • You are in my thoughts! I know it can suck. I went thru Ike in Sept and it is heartbreaking to see what can happen to your community.
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