He is going out right now to buy a flat screen TV for tomorrow's Super Bowl party, EVEN THOUGH I have told him numerous times we don't have the money for it and it's not needed right now.
We have a _FUCKING baby on the way dumbass. Things to buy for the baby and this house that are WAY more goddamn important than a _FUCKING TV.
Oh, and he still hasn't finished the medicine cabinet for our bathroom that he promised to resand and install, so we still have a hole in our wall where that should be. Six months after moving in.
The nursery also still needs to be painted, blinds hung, blah blah blah.
He told me he "promises" to get the medicine cabinet done by the end of February and that he'll do whatever I want. Oh and can he have a kiss before he goes?
I am so mad, I'm nearly hyperventilating and in tears.?
Re: I am so mad at DH right now, in tears
(((HUGS))) I'm sorry Coker. Guys can be selfish pricks sometimes. Calm down before BSB kicks the daylights out of your insides. ;-)
Cooker I'd be livid too. MH wants a new fantastic TV too. If he comes home with one anytime soon I would go apeshit.?
As for the baby stuff - it will get done. It always does...too bad our H's have to make us insane though in the process.
Oh!!!! Breathe!!!!
I'm so sorry... if it makes you feel any better, my dh is a moron too! He went out and bought one even though we have a lot to pay off from him being a post doc and us moving twice within 2 years.. and we have a perfectly good tv that is now sitting in the playroom, never in use. idiot.
Men are dumb sometimes. Sorry yours is being especially so right now.
aw cooker.. I am sorry. DH does the same _shit when it comes to purchases. I don't agree with half the stuff he buys but he thinks by giving me the $ equivalent to what he bought that it is okay.
tell him he better hope that effin tv puts out.
Thanks ladies. I talked to my mom too and have calmed down. It doesn't help that I'm seven months pg either.
And seriously pin. He better effin hope that TV puts out. For real.?
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
I am sorry, my H has been pulling the same crap. He always has seaon tickets to the Bills and is convinced there is no problem with him getting them this year even though we are having a baby is September! We don't have the money and Sunday is our only weekend day off together. I already hate spending it by myself watching the kids while he is off having fun, I am not doing it with a newborn too! They can be suchbuttheads sometimes....
Grrrrr! Stupid men and their stupid big tvs. Want me to kick him in the balls for you?
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Kick him out and he and my DH can find a place on their own. Seriously, DH gutted our bathroom over the summer and it's still not done. There is no door, the cabinet doors aren't back on, and we have all the finishing left to do. I can't even pee in privacy.
Plus I'm done with my job in a few months and DH wants to use my discount (which is disappearing) to buy a 52" LCD. Um, that's to replace a 42" plasma which isn't even that old. And we have a 37" lcd upstairs already. Say it with me - WTF?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would have been upset as well, my pg temper has a short fuse right now.