So, Jack and Emmy are almost out of their snugrides and we are ready to make the change to the convertible carseat--everyone has told me to get the Britax Marathon so we're planning on getting those. But, how many did you get...since they don't snap into a base (like the snugrides) I am thinking I may need to get 4 (my husband drops off, I pick up from daycare)...this is big money (sigh...). Anyone have any suggestions or offer what you did--did you bite the bullet and get 4?
Right now my husband can't fit in my car with our snugrides (he's too tall and seats have to be up too far so the carseats can fit). Did anyone have this problem and did it get better once you moved to the next carseat (since there is no base?)
Re: # of Convertible Carseats?
We are planning on getting Britax seats for our family car and getting cheaper seats for DH's car, which we rarely use. I've heard that the Cosco Scenera's are a good bare-bone seat and they are less than $50. That might work for you if the kids are only in your husband's car for daycare drop off.
Well... we bought Graco ComfortSportsbc they had great reviews and the price was right. I got mine for about $80/ea on Amazon. I have loved them- super easy to care for, easy to use light, love them. Then for Xmas, MIL gave us a considerable amount of money. I just now purchased two Marathons for $179 each at - they have them from $179-$229. So, the Gracos will go in H's car and the Britax will go in mine. Both of the seats got great reviews as well as exellant crash tests. Had we not gotten the cash from MIL, we would have gotten 2 more Graco. The convertibles are just as big- if not larger than the snugrides were for us.
I am a lurker but we recently purchased convertible seats for our cars.
For my car I ended up with the Britax decathalon, however, I wish I had gone with my gut and gotten the FP safe voyage seat. My MIL bought this one for her car and it is the exact same thing as the marathon. I ended up getting this seat for Dh's car and it's great. The thing is you need to order it from b/c it's a discontinued seat but it's $129.00 for a seat that is made by britax and really has only subtle differences from the marathon. Since you have to buy 4 it might make sense.
My friend purchased an evenflo seat for her cars and she likes those as well. Just wanted to share. I hope it helps. GL deciding.
the britax backwards facing took up more room in our car than the snugrides.
we got a decathlon for my car and then a cheaper graco comfortsport for DH's car, my mom's car and my sister's car, since Griffin isn't in there that much.
i'm not sure we can afford britax for the twins- if so- we'll just get 2 for my car and cheaper ones for DH's car - we won't be getting them for my mom's probably - since it would take up her whole car and it's so rare that she even drives just DS around- i doubt she'll ever need to drive all 3 kids anywhere!
We decided we couldn't afford Britax, especially when we found so many other safe, nice seats that were more affordable.
We have the Evenflo Triumph Advances and I really love them.
DH has the Cosco Sceneras in his car and the girls really seem uncomfortable in them. I'm going to keep an eye out for a sale on EFTAs and try to get two more, then give the Sceneras to the grandparents....
As for the size issue - you might try the First Years True Fit seat. It's a full convertible, but has a head piece you can pull off that makes it shorter while rear facing. Might help out your DH. It also gets excellent reviews.
Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!
We just got our convertible car seats. We got the marathons for my car (the family car) and graco sportcomforts ($70 each at Sam's Club) for dh's car.
Unfortunately we have to provide carseats to our daycare; not sure which ones we will get for her. We use an in-home provider and she has school aged kids she has to take to/pick up at the bus stop around the corner from her house. If its raining or under freezing, she drives but that is the only time she would drive. We are probably going super cheap for those ones.