
I hate being creeped out in my own house

Damn DH.  We went to visit him at the fire station tonight and he told me something creepy.  He said that on his way out the door this morning, he noticed that the back door was standing wide open, the basement light was on, and the TV in the basement was on.  He said he took his handgun downstairs and did a "sweep," and found nothing.  Well, the back door has a really craptastic comes open all the time and is hard to shut in the first place.  Secondly, I turned the light on to the basement last night and didn't shut it off.  I had to go get something out of the car and I hate walking past the black hole that is the basement.  The only thing I don't have a concrete explanation for is the TV. 

As I was sitting in Nora's room, rocking her, I decided this:  When DH was in the basement a couple of days ago, Nora followed him down.  She HAD to have turned the TV on without him noticing.  After all, she loves poking buttons and turning the TV (upstairs) on and off.  The TV isn't hooked up to cable--DH just uses it to do his workout DVD's with.

Logical explaination, right?  *sigh*  It's goint to take me a while to get back to not looking over my shoulder every 30 seconds.  I just love being home alone at night, anyway.

Re: I hate being creeped out in my own house

  • Dh is gone a lot at night (all night). Those nights our hand gun is under my pillow!
  • Your thinking is logical and dd could have put on the tv.  I think you're just going to be on edge for a bit, but all your things sound like everything is ok.
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  • that's probably exactly what it was. Ronan is always turning TVs on.  Also, if the power flickers in my house, for some reason my basement TV turns on and stays on. Freaked me out the first time it happened!

    MH works nights too . . . I hate it!  Try not to be freaked out.

  • Ugh -- that would freak me out too!  It sounds like everything is fine.  Double check the doors tonight.  Do you have a dog?
  • imagebellrm22:
    Ugh -- that would freak me out too!  It sounds like everything is fine.  Double check the doors tonight.  Do you have a dog?

    Yup.  We have a great big yellow lab.  I guarantee if someone or something was in the house, he'd be all over them. I really need to tell myself that more often.  :D

  • maybe its just a ghost...:) not trying to scare you but I'd rather have a ghost than an intruder. you will be fine! :)
  • Ugh, I hate that!! I feel MUCH better after getting an alarm system.
    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
  • I would be creeped out! But I scare really easy! I would get an alarm. If you have any questions about them let me know (no I don't sell them, I do work for an alarm company and for some reason taken an interest in them.)
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