So, I've been thinking about it & here's my theory:
I bet that she was being seen by a reputable doctor who was monitoring her properly while undergoing treatment?using fertility meds. ?She probably did injectibles, overstimulated, & ended up w/a crapload of follicles. ?Her doctor, being sane, advised her to cancel the cycle. ?The problem is that, in this situation, there is no way to enforce cancellation of the cycle. ?The doctor cannot control whether she has sex or not. ?So she went ahead, against medical advice, & had sex, got pg, & ended up w/8.
As a side note, I'd be willing to bet money that this is also exactly how Kate Gosselin ended up w/her 6. ?She's never admitted to it, but she did allude to it by saying that she was "impatient" in trying to get pg the 2nd time around. ?
As for the woman's 6 other kids, who knows what's going on there. ?Maybe some aren't actually hers (temporarily raising a sibling's kids or something), &/or are from a previous relationship & she just wanted one child w/her current husband. ?I have no idea. ?Probably she's just crazy.
It all makes me really mad b/c, like many of you have already pointed out, people making crazy, irresponsible decisions gives ART a really bad reputation. ?I did IVF, & I SO do not appreciate being lumped in w/this kind of wrecklessness, which is what people do. ?I understand that most people don't understand how ART works (after all, why would someone if they've never done it?), but I hate that stuff like this is all people hear about. ?Another miseducation of the public by the sensationalistic media...grrr! ?OK, off my soapbox for now! ?Thanks for letting me get this off my chest!
Re: about the woman w/octuplets...
Well, it was the grandma who said this, and it's thought that she just used "IVF" as a catch-all term for fertility treatments.
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During my first injection cycle I overstimmulated and ended up with over 50 follies on each side. My RE canceled my trigger and IUI that cycle, but gave us the go-ahead to try to conceive via intercourse. He said that without a trigger only 1 (possibly 2) follies would select out, mature and release an egg. We didn't concieve that cycle, but I did end up with 1 monster holdover cyst, which indicated that my RE was right - only 1 follie matured and released an egg.
So if I understand correctly, she would have had to trigger in order to release all those eggs if she did overstim on OI drugs. Which means a doctor would have written out a prescription for it. So how would she have triggered if she overstimmed? Do some doctors write out the script for the trigger well before it's time to use it? My RE wrote out the scrip the day before I triggered, so I never would have had it at home to tempt me when I was overstimmed.
I can't wrap my head around this one. It just doesn't add up.
Interesting...I didn't know that! ?Now I'm baffled once again! ?Maybe it depends on how far into the cycle it's canceled? ?Maybe if the follicles were far enough along, more would release on their own? ?I don't know...just throwing that out there!?
I used to have extra triggers in my fridge! When my RE ordered the drugs for my first rounds of treatments, it was the same price for my insurance to order 3 instead of one. I just saved if for my next IUIs. Also, when my injectibles came, the trigger was always included.
She could have triggered herself without the doctor.
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My RE confirmed to me when I was undergoing treatments that J&K+8 was a result of a cancelled cycle. I too had a cancelled IUI cycle, I had 16 eggs, 8-9 which would have released had I triggered, and since we couldn't afford IVF, they had to cancel my cycle. I was told NO sex unless we used a condom, etc. Shockingly enough NONE of those eggs ever released adn I had to rely on provera to bring on AF , but the potential for HOM was there and NOT something DH and I were or are ever interested in fact my next cycle they deliberately did Low and Slow and were hesitant to do b/c I only had 1 egg that was mature for my IUI...NOT true..b/c I have fraternal twins.
The whole thing just upsets me b/c of how it makes IVF/ART look...I too bet that she had a cnacelled cycle...but seriously she already had 6 children...another is craziness, esp. since she's living with her parents and supposidly already has a set of twins.
Found this on perezhilton:
When you need some juice?..go to the nosey neighbors!
Some savvy reporting unearthed more crazy stuff about the momma who gave birth to octuplets earlier in the week.
A neighbor revealed that the momma's six kiddies AND the 8 new babies were made with sperm from one donor:
This woman is insane!!!!!!!
The blabber, who asked to remain anonymous, went on to say:
And, there seems to be some confusion about the woman's age and her status.
The latest now is that she is indeed single (aged 33) and it is her father that is going to Iraq, to support the huge family.
This is some crazy, crazy stuff, if it's indeed true.
Is this why the family has stayed out of the spotlight?
About the extra triggers: My insurance too gives a three month supply at once, I still have two extra months of triggers lol. I will NOT be using before the exp date of this coming Oct. She could have had the same, or a doc who wrote the Rxs early.
About Jon and Kate plus 8: From the shows I have seen and the first episode and maybe random specials I may have seen, I think I remember they went and had a ultrasound and they were told they had 3 matured eggs, and somewhere between that ultrasound and ovulation, unknown if they triggered, she matured and released 3 or 4 more, or they were missed. So they had no idea that would happen. I remember she was also treat for hyper stimulation and she said they had happened with their cycle of their twins. She may have been sensitive to the meds or took more than needed.
The octs: This story is nuts, I have no idea what happened but it is way to weird for all these storys out. I wish they would have the Mom report sometime soon to set it straight, bc she is a married/divorced/single Mom to 6 kids, and her husband/dad is in Iraq and she lives alone/with her parents/ and has a nanny and conceived naturally/IVF/IUI/IF treatments. Whatever the story she will need some prayers!
Ditto the others about getting triggers ahead of time- for IVF, all my meds came together at the get go, including the Ovidrel trigger shot. Most sane people would not actually use it if their dr said not to b/c of the risk of HOM tho, although I would wonder how many try to go for it anyway...
There are also (of course) rumors flying that this woman is hoping for some J&K type fame & TV shows. Sad.
Nobody has any right to judge her. While the situation may not fit into society standards of "whats right" she didn't break the law in any way and so many people are so quick to pick her apart. Anyone who has had IVF could be looked at in this way, maybe not to the extent of 8, but like i said, she didn't break any laws. And those of you saying you're bummed that it's giving IVF a bad name... well the same could be said about IVF from those that have conceived naturally.
I'm sure this will stir some sort of "drama" and that honestly isn't my intention. I can understand the conversation regarding "how" it all happened, but it's just so tacky and lame to dwell on the details of her life.