Illinois Babies

Cloth Diaper Cleaning Service?

Anyone use a CD service anywhere around Chicagoland? I've found one service called Bottoms Up and the cost is actually less than I expected for something like that. Just wondering how it works, if its worth it, etc.  It looks like they only pick up once a week.  So, that means you have dirty diapers stacking up all week?  I don't know if I like that idea. 

Re: Cloth Diaper Cleaning Service?

  • We have used Bottums Up.  Yes, they only switch out 1x per week.  But, you can still use a Diaper Champ so they are all in a plastic bag and covered.  Then, you pull that out the night they come to switch, put it out and they'll pick up the old bag and drop off the new one. 

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