
Do you medicate if dc has a fever?

If your dc has a fever do you automatically medicate (Tylenol, Advil, etc.) or do you hold off on the meds??

Dd has been running a fever all day and I'm always so torn whether or not I should give her anything. I don't want her to be miserable, but at the same time I've always read that letting a fever run its course is a good thing because it means the body is fighting off whatever is making it sick...?

Re: Do you medicate if dc has a fever?

  • Nope...only if they're miserable.  Fevers are a good means their immune systems are working like they should! 
  • if it's anything over 100 I usually do.  He has had a febrile seizure before, so I am super paranoid about fevers. 

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  • yes--I give motrin. aches come with a fever so I want to make her comfortable.?

    hope she's feeling better soon. ?

    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • I always medicate for a fever. ?My kiddos do not "ride it out" very well and usually show a marked improvement in their spirit and behavior when the motrin kicks in. ?Hope your dd feels better soon!
    Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
  • It depends on how high the fever and how dc is feeling/acting.  If they seem bothered, cranky, etc. then I give it to them.  Sometimes ds has a fever and it doesn't bother him, he will just relax more than play and be okay. 
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  • Typically if it is right around 100-101, I do not treat it.  Only at bedtime, so they can sleep comfortably.  However, DD woke up from her nap at 101.  I am treating it because I am 95% sure she will develop an ear e.i. has accompanied each cold so far this winter.  I don't think the fever will fight it off, so....
  • I guess it depends on how high the fever is.  And if it is at night, I will always give him something so he can hopefully sleep.
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  • i do if it is at night and over 100, but my Dh had fiebrile siezures as a child and real siezures as an adult and I am always afraid my boys will have a febrile siezure not sure if it can be hereditary but just in case.
  • I don't if she's happy. If she starts getting other symptoms, then I medicate.
  • If it's over 100 or they are acting uncomfortable or it's bedtime, yes.
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  • Hey Cleo - for what it's worth, that crud is going around here, probably made it to you guys by now.  3-5 days of high fevers, with nothing else but aches & a headache.  Some are influenza b, which is also going around here and which DS had even though he was vax'd for it.  Keep an eye on it.

    If it's making them crabby & not sleep, yes I drug.  otherwise no.  DS got up to 104.8 for a lot of last Sat - it sucked.  Hope she feels better!!!!

  • I would never not medicate if either one has a fever higher than 100. To me there are yo many risks involved with fever.
  • I didn't for a long time, and then one day I gave in, and it worked so well, and ds felt SO much better. I've learned that the evils of being sick and miserable far outweigh the negatives of meding.
  • always--I've NEVER had a fever that I can remember that didn't make me achy or feel bad.  My kids will play when they are miserable feeling...I swear they have a higher tolerance than I do.  But I'd rather them feel I do.


  • Please don't take this as a flame, but I don't understand why anyone would not give their child something to soothe their pain if they have a fever.

    Just b/c you medicate them it does not mean they can't fight whatever they're fighting.

    Don't you feel miserable if you have a fever?  Aches, pains?  Even if my kids are happily playing they get a dose of medicine.  

    Children can have a seizure brought on by even a low fever, as told to me by our Pedi.

    This wasn't meant just for you Cleo, but I hope I answered your question.

    Mommy to three adorable boys!
  • Actually, most bacteria and viruses thrive at 98.6 degrees... kind of a "survival of the fittest" thing. They've evolved to survive in that temperature. A fever is the body's way of killing whatever is invading their body. We rarely medicate a fever.

    Dr. Sears has a huge section on his website about this.

  • Dr. Sears:
    A fever is not an illness in itself -- it's the symptom of an underlying problem (usually an infection), just as a car's engine light acts as an alarm signal. And not every one is necessarily serious.

    A higher fever doesn't always indicate a sicker child. Minor viral illnesses may produce a high temperature (104?F to 105?F), while some serious bacterial infections -- like meningitis -- may cause a lower one (101?F to 102?F). Also, a fever that spikes high but subsides quickly is usually less of a worry than a mild fever that doesn't come down easily.

    The best way to know when to be concerned: Watch your child, not the thermometer, for increasing signs of illness. (One exception: If an infant 3 months or younger has a rectal temperature above 100.5?F for more than eight hours, you should call the doctor right away, whether or not she shows any other signs of illness.) Get to know the typical progression of her fevers, and pay attention to any deviation from their typical course. For example, if your child never runs high fevers and then one day does, that's much more serious than if her temperature usually reaches 104?F with a normal cold.

    Most fevers will go down within a few days, but in the meantime, here are some ways to help your child feel more comfortable:

    Dress her in light, breathable clothing, to let the heat radiate out of her body. Don't bundle her in heavy blankets or cover her head. Give your little one plenty of fluids -- such as water and juice -- so that she doesn't dehydrate.Keep your child calm, since too much activity and fussing can raise her body temperature. Make sure she gets a good night's sleep too.And, of course, if your child's temperature continues to rise over a few days and she gets progressively sicker, call your pediatrician.
  • Yes, anything over 100, I'll give Tylenol or Motrin. ?I've always thought the fever is just an indication of the immune system working and that the body still continues to fight the infection when the fever is gone. ?I could be wrong...
  • Fever is actually a part of the immune response, it isn't just an indicator.  I don't give meds unless fever is over 100.5-101.0 (and I do the same thing for myself.)  If you medicate a low grade fever then your immune system has to work that much harder to fight of whatever is invading. 
  • Yes, I give meds and for a few reasons,

    1. Fevers can become very dangerous very fast in small children

    2. Your body will still fight any illness even when the fever is reduced by meds.

    3. Comfort, you tend to feel like crap when you are feverish.

  • Not unless it's affecting her sleep or "really" high (like over 103).
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