
What are your weekend plans???

Dh is going to be helping my Dad out all weekend and I will be doing a "spring" cleaning!  I'm going to pack up all of DS's clothes that don't fit him and start rearranging some rooms to get our guest room ready for DS's big boy room!  I think I'll buy a big bottle of wine to get me through it!

I really really want to take DS to the Java Jungle but the stomach bug is hitting hard in our area and I'm afraid to!  He'll be helping mommy organize instead with some trips to nana's to bounce on the trampoline to burn off some energy!

Liam is 5!
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Re: What are your weekend plans???

  • Nothing exciting! I have to work at Target tomorrow and all day Sunday which is causing me to miss the Super Bowl! Especially bad since "our team" is playing in it!
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  • Buying a snowblower.  Friend visiting Sunday so she can avoid the superbowl.
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  • I am teaching in the morning (I'm a Gymboree teacher) and DS stays home with DH for some guy time. ?Then we are going tomorrow afternoon to get my new computer!!! ?Then out to dinner and home for the evening. ?Sunday we go to church in the morning then stay home and have family time/homework time for me in the afternoon. ?Then we'll watch the superbowl at night. ?I wish we had some kind of party to go to or something, but thats what happens when you live so far away from friends and family, you do alot more just the 3 of us.
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    Baby #3 on it's way due March 15th, 2012!
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  • Bodypump training.  9 hours each Friday, Saturday, Sunday.  Pray for me.
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • Yikes Hikerbeth!  I'm hurting for you! 

    I totally forgot about the Super Bowl this weekend!

    Liam is 5!
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  • Not much.  Putting away our outdoor lights and Christmas village....we leave both of those up for January.  Going to a friend's house on Sunday, but it'll mostly be pre-Superbowl fun, since DS goes to bed at 7.  We may hit my parent's house after our friend's and put the kids down there while we watch the game.
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