
PLEASE share your 6 month feeding schedule

Sorry to ask this again, but I still need some help.  Looking at some of the sample menus like Gerbers, there is no WAY I can get them to eat all of that!  Before we started solids they were doing 8 oz bottles at 7:30, 11, 2:30, snack bottle at 4:30/5 of 2-3 oz and then 8 oz again at 7.

Trying to introduce cereal they are obviously taking less in the bottle, which is ok I think as long as they stay above the 24 oz/day drinking?  They said to try and get 4 Tbsp of cereal twice a day, and then start introducing veggies and fruits of 8-10 Tbsp/day.  Just trying to get them to eat 8 Tbsp of cereal a day is a chore, and then their bottle consumption goes way down and their schedule gets totally thrown off because they won't take their bottles at the same time as their cereal.

Ladies, please share with me how you figured out the best schedule and what to give when.  Does a schedule like this make sense:

7:30 6 oz formula, cereal and fruit

11:00 6 oz formula, cereal and veg

2:00 8 oz formula

4:30  cereal, fruit and veg

7:00 8 oz formula

Re: PLEASE share your 6 month feeding schedule

  • Ha ha - you make me sound like I severely underfeed my child! He gets 4oz of formula 6x/day and we're just starting to play with cereal once a day. (We're only 4.5 months adjusted tho...)
  • Annie, I'm with you.  My girls have 5-6 bottles a day.  Between 5-6 oz. And we're doing cereal (about 1 Tbsp each) once a day....but L is not really into it.

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  • Here is what we do right now:

    8am 7 oz formula

    12pm 6-7 oz formula

    4pm 6 oz formula

    6:30-7pm cereal and veggie

    bed time 7-8 oz formula

    We are going to start a morning feeding of cereal after their 6 month appointment.  It will probably be with the 8am formula.

  • We are still on a 3 hour feeding schedule--7, 10, 1, 4, 7.  We are just starting with 2 solids a day.  We do one feeding (cereal mixed with fruit) about 8am and one feeding (veggie) about 5pm.
  • I think the problem you are have with the maybe that you are give them their bottle and cereal to close together. If you wait an hour after their bottle it will be easier for them to eat.

    Here is our schedule.

    7am 8oz bottle

    8am cereal and friut

    11am 8oz bottle

    3pm 8oz bottle

    4pm cerealand  veggie

    7pm 8oz bottle

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