Everytime we sit Preston on the potty (either one - we have two for him) he freezes up and can't go. Even when he asks to go on it. Normally when he takes a bath, I'll put him in the bathtub and the warm water is probably giving him the sensation to go, so he immediately asks to go on his potty - which I gladly put him on, but even after sitting there for several minutes, he just doesn't go.
We are having a little issue with a rash on his bum, so I did what a "nestie" suggested and let him run/walk around without a diaper last night. Well, about 10-15 minutes into his walking around naked, he kept holding himself and asking to go on the potty. I would sit him on it (or he would get on it himself), but never actually go potty. We did this maybe 5 times. Finally, he was whining and wanting a diaper back on (because he had to go pee). Why wouldn't he go in the potty? It sounds like he won't go on the floor (which I have read on here that some kids do) and he thinks he needs the diaper on to go potty, so he is holding it until he gets a diaper back on. Is this the very very start of him becoming knowledgable of when he has to pee? I don't know how to get him to "unfreeze" so that he relaxes enough to go on the potty. I have tried songs, books, cars, etc. while he sits there, but nothing.
Any suggestions? Or is he just not ready yet.
Re: Question: You don't think he is ready for PT do you?