Monday DS was having a really difficult time breathing. Could not get more than one word out at a time, was wheezing (on exhale), making a funny sound every time he breathed (like it hurt). We took him to the pedi who said it was a virus. Mind you, he is terrified of the doctor so he cried the entire time it was there - hard for them to see what I had been describing.
The next day he was 100% fine. I expected him to get worse, but it was as if nothing had ever been wrong. No runny nose, no coughing, no problems breathing at all. I thought maybe he had an allergic reaction to something on Monday but it started first thing in the Am and he did not have anything different at all the entire day.
I even videotaped him Monday night before he went to bed b/c I thought we'd end up in the ER overnight and I wanted them to see what I was talking about since I knew he'd be screaming. So I just watched it again and it's SCARY! There is no doubt about the fact that he was having problems breathing - I've never seen anything like this from him before - even when sick.
Am I crazy to think that there may be something else going on? I'm totally paranoid now that there is a larger problem and that this was just a symptom that I shoudl not ignore. Kids don't just wake up one day and have problems breathing and then are fine the next for no reason, right?
What would you do?
Re: Would this concern you?
Thanks ladies. I was just reading about Asthma in toddlers online and I think you are right. I had asthma really bad as a child (was hospitalized for it), so I would not be surprised. His excema also flared up on Monday so I have a feeling it's all related.
I already have an appt to meet with his pedi on Wed next week to talk about his feeding issues and I know he's not in tomorrow. Maybe I will see if I can get in on Monday instead. I hate to wait, but I also hate bouncing around between pedi's (his doc doesn't work on Mondays).
Thanks again for your insight!