Boston Babies

Anybody doing a nanny share?

We live in a condo and our downstairs neighbor is about 3 months ahead of me - they have already made an arrangement with a daycare, but I want to talk to them about considering a nanny share. We wouldn't be able to have a nanny just on our own but this could be a good alternative. Did anybody attempt this kind of arrangement?
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Re: Anybody doing a nanny share?

  • Hi there - I am a placement counselor and we absolutely have families who sign up with us to do a nanny share.  It's great for them because they split the nanny's hourly wage and the agency fee.  Using an agency takes the prep work/division of labor issues out of trying to coordinate a search with another family, too.  We'd sent the portfolios of possible candidates to both you and the other parents. I'd be happy to talk with you further about this if you'd like.  Our website is, but you want you could also call me in my office anytime today #617-527-0114 - you can ask for Jen.  Thanks!
  • Yes--just talk about exactly what you want from the share, and then let the nannies you interview know your plans. you can either have the nanny in one person's house watching 2 kids, or split the day between the two families depending on your needs. We have a friend's baby come over to our house one day per week. That was part of the job so there was no question.

    Separately, we are talking with our nanny about a nanny-share since I just resigned from my job but want to help her keep her job, and she is up for it. One friend was interested in splitting days and that might work. 9am-1 with one family, 1:30-5:30pm (+/-). Otherwise 2 days w/ one family, 2-3 days w/ the other. (Actually, if you are downtown please respond--we're still looking!).

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  • I think a nanny share is a great idea. I was planning to get a nanny to watch my baby due May 5 in my condo in JP, but might consider a share. The bonus is, I will be working from home 50% of the time so there will be more than one adult around for those days. I do plan to go through an agency to take care of the details. Thanks for the site, I think I already have bookmarked it in the past but it's a good reminder.
  • Wonderful!  If you have any questions you can certainly call here even before the baby arrives.  Good luck with your last several weeks of pregnancy!
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