
wtf!! No I am not worried about dd#2

if I hear one more person ask me all worried about dd #2 not crawling I am going to scream!!!!! she isn't 6 mon. old yet! leave her alone!!! yes I know dd#1 crawled at 4.5 mon but that is super early!!!!!! leave dd#2 alone!! back off beotches!!!! thanks for letting me vent..

Re: wtf!! No I am not worried about dd#2

  • I hate it when people compare my DD and DS as well.  They all do things on their own time.......
  • I love that everyone thinks they know what your child should be doing and when.  We are getting the same thing with Sophie walking.  Yes, Isabelle walked very very early.  It's ok that Sophie is almost a year and not walking!  I just tell people I don't put her down on the floor because I don't want two walkers. 
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  • My DD never crawled and then walked at 10.5 months.  They're all different!
  • OMG that would drive me crazy! Ds1 didn't start crawling until he was 10 months old!!
  • my ds didn't crawl till 10 mo and walked at almost 16 mo. who would worry at 6 mo

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