oh wow, could you imagine if we were all down here and could go out? That would be fun. Though I have to admit I have a big mouth and often get into trouble because I tend to tell people off. Or speak to loudly. Mostly the latter.
My babies!!
Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11
OK here are two for you guys. I still had 2 months to go at my shower! I'd post more but I don't think there's enough space on the internet for my flabby arms.
you guys are too cute! See, I made the mistake of wearing a dress that made me look bigger at my shower. People kept asking my mom, "wow, I know she wasn't small before, but is she having twins or something?!"
and my mom goes, (and imagine an accent here in clipped english) "no, she is just fat-ass."
My babies!!
Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11
Re: xbg
Thank you, you are hilarious (as I knew you'd be) and so so cute!!! I liiiiiiike you too. Did you tell your DH because mine thinks we're freaks! lol
And I told the girls (viva, sweetie, lana) that I approve. haha
Yea umm I'm a little tipsy from that ONE.
Lets see the pic. I'm going to show you all 198 of me in a sec.
I'm so jealous (about the lunch and the wine)!
I just splurged and had a hot chocolate - watch out! LOL
I wanna see pics!
T, you live on the edge. I want to meet happ too!
sorry T, you know I'd love you here all the time. Move out of the wilderness!
You want to see my fat pics? I'm sure you've seen it.
LOL how was the hot chocolate?
This is for Happ to show her how huge I was.
A, you too babe hopefully you'll make it down here intime for the warm weather and we can kidnap Happ for lunch.
oooohhh, the pic is when I was huge and pg at my friend's wedding!
Well, when i told DH we were meeting, he said, "be careful. make sure you meet in a public space. there are crazies out there!"
And I was like, "biitch, we MET on the internet!"
and he said, "exactly. see where that got me?!"
nice, huh?
Off to look for pic now.
LMAO omg J told me to be careful too! haha like whats going to happen to me in the middle of Wall Street?
You are too much.
LOL - I thought you had pics from today and I was going to kill you for calling yourself fat!
I have tons (no pun intended) to share but none online for good reason. I haven't been thin in about 26 years.
ok so this is me & DH at my baby shower in July:
and this is me at a friend's wedding in August:
and me the day I had PAC...after the epi.
oh please, my image is not distorted, I'm well aware of the fact that I look like a crack head.
No, we are not corny enough to take pics during lunch with our cell phones, although that would've been fun!
Happ, I have to say, those are actually cute you mofo.
And although you are adorable now, I'm loving that short hair on you!!!
ummm T, do you see me?
OK here are two for you guys. I still had 2 months to go at my shower! I'd post more but I don't think there's enough space on the internet for my flabby arms.
Ok T, I can't stop laughing. Please look at our fVcking little ugly sweaters! OMG.
And umm, hate to break it to you, but you look awesome.
you guys are too cute! See, I made the mistake of wearing a dress that made me look bigger at my shower. People kept asking my mom, "wow, I know she wasn't small before, but is she having twins or something?!"
and my mom goes, (and imagine an accent here in clipped english) "no, she is just fat-ass."
LOL T that's what I paid was it from motherhood?
and lol Happ, I love how you do that accent.