Which is better, the insert that goes on the big toilet, or the small training toilet?
I'm leaning towards the insert because I'm not super excited about having to clean out the little potty, but if the little potty works better we can try that.
IMO the small trainnig toilet is better for smaller and/or younger kids. Because it is easier and less intimidating than climbing up on the big potty.
We had one that the top actually popped off of, and could fit on the regular toilet seat. So when DS was younger he sat on the training toilet, but he never did anything in it. Then I tried the seat on the regular potty and that was when he actualy started going.
Re: Potty training question
IMO the small trainnig toilet is better for smaller and/or younger kids. Because it is easier and less intimidating than climbing up on the big potty.
We had one that the top actually popped off of, and could fit on the regular toilet seat. So when DS was younger he sat on the training toilet, but he never did anything in it. Then I tried the seat on the regular potty and that was when he actualy started going.