My babies hate me. GRRR. during the day i am here alone with them and they seem to be so fussy sometimes. They smile for me sometimes and coo a little maybe here or there, but not like they do when my fiance gets home and talks to them. they are full of smiles and coos, trying to talk to him. it makes me feel like crap sometimes. I wish they were that excited about me. I change all their diapers, clean all their boogies, feed them, play with them, bathe them, give them clean clothes. Why wouldnt i make them happier? I gave birh to them!! I feel like i always have to be the bad guy and take them to the doctors to get stuck with needles, squirt baby saline up there nose to clear it out, things like that. Maybe its just because im around them so much it doesnt feel like i get as many smiles or coos, but for some reason it just seems different to me the way they show love and smiles for their dad:( its making me sad.
Re: Sometimes i swear...
Daddy's a novelty because he's not around as much. ?You, you're a given. ?I guarantee if you were gone all day, they'd be all smiles upon your return.
Chin up -- you're not to the fun age yet. ?Give it some time, and you, too, will be able to make them laugh on command