
If you measured big during your pregnancy

Did you deliver early?

I am measuring 28 weeks and 26.5 weeks.  My OB said that was still on the high end of normal.  

Re: If you measured big during your pregnancy

  • I consistently measured 2 weeks ahead from about 32 weeks with DS #1.  He was 5 days late.

    I had a c-section with #2.

    Mommy to three adorable boys!
  • I've been measuring about 4 weeks ahead most of this pregnancy and am about a week away from my due date. I measured about the same amount ahead with DD and she was 2 days overdue - but she was 9lbs 12oz and my OB thinks this one will be just as big, if not bigger.
    Mom to DD#1 December '06, DD#2 Feb '09 and DS March '12
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  • I don't remember what the difference was with #1 but I was measuring at least 2 weeks ahead. At 40 weeks they induced me because of his size but I think he would have stayed forever if we let him. He was born after 10 hours of drug free hard labor by c-section at almost 9lbs. As my midwife pulled his shoulders out (we didn't know the sex) she said I hope this is a boy or else it's going to a little girl built like a line backer.

    This time I am measuring 4 weeks ahead and in my doctor's words "You're making another HEALTHY (a.k.a. fat) baby." but this one is already scheduled for a section because if the last one got stuck this one will definately get stuck.

  • I was measuring up to roughly 3 weeks ahead with #2, and they even had me do a couple of extra ultrasounds to be sure there wasn't a problem. I was scheduled for a c-sec at 39 weeks, and I didn't go into labor before then. DD was 7 lbs 5 oz...not exactly huge. lol


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  • Nope,  I was 2 weeks overdue.
  • I measured ahead with both, so much so that they were always giving me u/s and rechecking for GD, etc.

    I never went into labor, had c/s with both after my due date (2weeks after with my son) 

    Probably not what you wanted to hear, right/? :)

  • No.  With DS I measured ahead the whole time.  I had to be induced.  He weighed 7lb9oz.
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  • At around 32 weeks I started measuring 2 weeks 34 weeks I was measuring 4 weeks 36 weeks I was measuring 6 weeks ahead.  The induced me at 38 weeks because DS1 was 10lbs.

    DS2 I measured the same ahead, but he was only 9lbs.  I was induced due to size with him too because of DS1, they were afriad he was bigger than he was measuring.

  • I measured 2 weeks ahead and at one point three weeks ahead.  I had him three weeks early when my water broke on its own.  I guess I'm the minority though! 

    Liam is 5!
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  • Yes ,I did.  I consistently measured 1-2 weeks ahead, and gave birth to Emi at 37w3d.
    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Ds measured small and I delivered early.  Not sure if that really helps your theory.
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