
Mary Poppins is a HUGE hit at our house

DD loves it and comapred to some of the other things should could be watching it's great.  It's on sale at Target this week. 

Re: Mary Poppins is a HUGE hit at our house

  • One of my fave movies EVER.  Shhh don't tell, it would ruin my nestie cred.  LOL


  • We love that one. ?It cracks me up to hear my 5 y/o sing the suffragettes song!?

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  • My DD keeps seeing the commercials for the DVD and wants to see it. She's getting it for her birthday. I can't wait for her to see it!
  • #6#6 member

    I have always loved Mary Poppins.  Maybe I'll run to Target to day and get a copy.  :)  I did a dance routine to Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious (sp?)  when I was around 7.  My little feet have never moved so fast in my life.  It was a tap dance routine.  I need to hunt that video down that my mom took.

    We also have the song on a kids car songs cd and L knows all the words and can sing it without the cd.  Super cute coming out of a 3.5yr olds mouth.  :)

  • We love it in this house too!
    Abigail Marie 6/30/06 Benjamin Charles 5/30/09 image
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