I have always loved Mary Poppins. Maybe I'll run to Target to day and get a copy. I did a dance routine to Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious (sp?) when I was around 7. My little feet have never moved so fast in my life. It was a tap dance routine. I need to hunt that video down that my mom took.
We also have the song on a kids car songs cd and L knows all the words and can sing it without the cd. Super cute coming out of a 3.5yr olds mouth.
Re: Mary Poppins is a HUGE hit at our house
One of my fave movies EVER. Shhh don't tell, it would ruin my nestie cred. LOL
We love that one. ?It cracks me up to hear my 5 y/o sing the suffragettes song!?
I have always loved Mary Poppins. Maybe I'll run to Target to day and get a copy.
I did a dance routine to Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious (sp?) when I was around 7. My little feet have never moved so fast in my life. It was a tap dance routine. I need to hunt that video down that my mom took.
We also have the song on a kids car songs cd and L knows all the words and can sing it without the cd. Super cute coming out of a 3.5yr olds mouth.