Everytime I take my twin 3 year old niece and nephew for the day I am left wondering how the heck do you ladies do it??
I don't have kids, I just take these 2 for the day once in awhile to give mom a break.
I leave her my car and take her mini van for odvious reasons, its safer, carseats, etc.
So today I decide to pick up the kids and go grocery shopping...... yes, you may laugh now.
Uh, the shopping cart has a seat for 1 but what do I do with the other? Yep, he went in the big part of the cart with the food (which he ate some of) This "outing" took 3 times as long as it normally does.
No reason for this just wanted to tell you ladies how FABULOUS you all are. I don't think you are all told that often enough!
For us women without kids this is a sure fire way to open up our eyes and have some capassion for the mom (or auntie!) dealing with a 3 year old having a meltdown in a grocery store.
You ladies are like Superwomen... yes, you rock!
Re: All you moms..
Will you be my boys' aunt? What you do for your sister or SIL is absolutely wonderful, we should all be so lucky. And those 2 little ones will remember all the special time w/ their aunt.