My DS is about 21 months and he is very "interested" in the potty and his pee-pee. He will often tell me "pee-pee" and grab his diaper but once we get into the bathroom he will not stay on his potty chair longer than a minute or so. Any suggestions? Tonight he did this and he sat for a bit with me bringing him back every minute or so, then as soon as we put the pull-up on he peed. UGH!
Any suggestions or advice?? TIA
Re: another potty training ?
He is still pretty young, especially for a boy. If he is interested keep putting him on the potty, but keep it fun. The 'Happiest Toddler on the Block' book suggests rewarding for sitting on the potty, not for peeing in it. Maybe get a kitchen or sand timer and see if you can get him to sit for x amount of time. Start small, like 30 seconds, and then gradually increase.
My only other advice is to ditch the pull-ups. I think they are a waste of $$$. From alot of my friends experiences they just prolong potty training.
Good luck!