
Those who had a previous C-section

Are you having a repeat C/S or are you going to try for a VBAC?  What are your reasons?

I would like to try a VBAC because I'm worried about the recovery with a toddler, but I am a bit worried about the risks.

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Max born July 25


Big sisters Alex and Layla


Re: Those who had a previous C-section

  • I had a repeat c-section w/ #2 and will be having my 3rd c-sect on Feb 25. My hospital doesn't do VBACs (it's small), plus my first was an emergency and when the did the c-sect they found I had a separation in my placenta, I'm too afraid of that happening again.
  • If we have more then I more likely than not will have another/more c-sections.  I have a kidney disease and because of issues that arose during my labor I had to have an emergency c-section after 19 hours.

    I was luckily and had a very easy recovery and wasn't ever in any pain.  I did in home daycare at the time Carter was born and started working again when he was 2 weeks old.  At that time I had a 10 month old, 2.5 year old, and a part time 5 year old.

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  • If/When I do get pregnant again I would like to do a VBAC. Mostly because I felt like I had no control over DS's birth, I was induced, then I had a csection. So for me, I want some control. My recovery wasn't bad at all with the csection, so I think I would be ok. However, I know if I have to have a csection, I will.

  • Repeat C.  I have big babies with big heads.  I'm 5'.
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  • I'm doing a repeat c-section.  Just bec. I had a great recovery last time and my mom is going to be here at my house full time for as long as I need.  She will keep DD#1 entertained 100% - they are like 2 peas in a pod.  I just like the fact that I know the date of the birth and can plan everything.  I've just never been one of those people who 'really want' to experience a 'natural birth.'  Just my feelings.

  • I had a c-section with Nora and was a candidate for a VBAC but opted for another c-section with No. 2 simply because I'm freaked out at the thought of another hellacious labor only to end up getting another c-section, which my doctors couldn't rule out.

    I'm also considering a tubal, which would be easier with a c-section.?

    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • I will do a repeat c-sec.  First, having a toddler it will be great to be scheduled, have him all situated, etc. before going in.  And one my biggest reason, is why would I want to "mess up" both areas when I already have the scar from my previous c-sec? : ) 
    I am slightly concerned about the recovery wiht a  toddler but I am getting my mom to come stay with me for the first two weeks.

  • I had a vbac. I was worried about the risks of a repeat section, which are statistically higher than a vbac. Vbacs have risks, of course, but the risks are actually no higher %-wise than the risks of a standard vaginal birth.
  • having a repeat....cervix is too small and next baby will more than likely not make it down like my first.
  • I'm having a VBAC, mostly because I don't want to feel like total crap for a whole month like I did after my c-section. ?That, and according to my doctors, I'm a really great candidate for VBAC. ?My first was a vaginal birth (and a 9 pounder). ?I was a little sore from the stitches for my 2nd degree tear, but I recovered really quickly. ?We were taking Evan to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services at church when he was 3 and 4 days old. ?I went on a 2 mile walk just 5 days after he was born. ?No way could I have done that after my c-section. ?With my second, I had an emergency c-section, and it was a month before I felt close to normal. ?It wasn't even really pain at the incision site. ?I just felt achey and weak, like I had a fever or something (which I didn't). ?I do not want to experience that again, especially since I'll have not one, but two toddlers to take care of along with the baby.
  • I am trying for a VBAC. I had a really big baby (over 11 lbs), but if it appears that this baby is normal sized and I go into labor before my due date (no inductions with a VBAC) then I am going to try. I am kind of scared, but want to try for a vaginal delivery because I think the recovery will be easier and I don't want to be limited in the number of kids a dr. will allow me to have (I want 4).
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  • I'm trying for a VBAC.  I had to talk to several Drs before I found a truly VBAC friendly office/hospital, but now I'm in a practice that averages one VBAC a week!  I'm far less worried about the risks of VBAC than the risks of a repeat C.  Although the risk of uterine rupture is there, it's very small (less than 1%) and the risks of complications with surgery are far higher.
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