Well, if I thought I was in trouble when she started walking a couple weeks ago, then I am really in serious trouble now.
DD just climbed the 15 stairs in our house only stopping once to look up at me. She was soooo quick about it and soooo confident! DH was behind her all the way, but OMG ... 15 stairs with NO FEAR AT ALL! I'm terrified that she discovered them and mastered them in very the same moment.
We've had a gate at the top of the stairs forever it seems, but haven't needed one at the bottom until today. Anyone have an industrial sized roll of bubblewrap?!
Re: Yikes! DD climbed stairs
She is definitely a plotter and and problem solver. I can't imagine what she has in mind for her next "trick"!
I really didn't know what to expect as far as when she would walk, but at 11 mos. adjusted age I was pretty pleased. EI isn't working with us, and we're secluded from other little ones with her RSV "quarantine", so I have lost a little perspective on what she should be doing when. I'm kind of going with her flow.