We went to DS's 2 yr checkup today (no shots!!). He was 40% for height and 70% for weight! I was amazed considering that he never eats. He always looks so lean and tall to me! We did get chided for giving him too much milk. And we were told to move him to 2% and to only give him milk at his main meals and to give him water the rest of the time. I'm not sure how well that's going to go over with DS! It'll be a trial for sure! They did test for him anemia but he's good! So a healthy two year old overall!

Liam is 5!

Re: So I guess I have a short fat baby!
How much does he weigh and how tall is he?
DS was 29pounds (50%) and 35 1/2 inches (70%) at his appt. We too were told to switch from Whole milk to 2%. I still haven't made that switch. He eats wonderfully and healthy, but I still think he needs that extra fat. He looks lean to me too.
Liam is 5!