WOW I don't know whether to cry or is really great and in the same respect it makes me nervous that we have to live up to all that they portrayed us to be. When living your own life you never really realize how it is going until something like this happens and you think......DAMN I AM DOING A PRETTY GOOD JOB!!!!! There are a couple of tiny things in there that I don't even know would be worth having them change....such as....they have one of my brothers listed as married and he is not.....they have my eye color as blue and it is brown. Is it worth changing???
Re: Homestudy report came.............
I don't know if that stuff is worth changing. To me it's just silly information, but you never know. I would ask your SW.
YAY congrats!!! The minor changes you mentioned are exactly the same type of thing that was mistaken on ours. (things like relatives being listed in the wrong order etc). We chose to have it corrected just to be accurate but because it was so minor, the corrections happened really quickly.
WOOHOO! Congrats! I'm so happy for you. I don't know abou those little things but it might be worth asking someone. I would hate for something so insignificant to cause a hold up later.
Im soooooo happy for you! *has goose bumps*
Whoohoo!! Congrats on being "official" and "approved"! The changes sound minor, but I would mention it to your SW as PP have mentioned. I'm sure its an easy fix.
Homestudy - CHECK, and now on to the next step!!
I agree with the others that they are minor. We had one minor one - said that single brother was living with his girlfiend in NY. Made it sound like they lived together when they don't. Minor, but he is the guardian in case anything happens to us and you just never know what other people might select based off of.
Eye color, probably wouldn't matter unless you had a BM who was deadset on having someone with blue eyes. Crazier things have happened, though. I heard of one BM who chose based on liking a hat that the adoptive mom was wearing in one of her pictures.
wooHOO! Great news! How long does your agency say from the time the homestudy is done?
Well they told us during the homestudy that we would probally have a referral towards the end of this year and that early 2010 we would have our baby!! I guess as time gets closer we will see if they were right!!!