I wish I could say that was a quick one to answer. DH and I always wanted 3, but now that we have 2, DH told me yesterday that he thinks we should stop at 2. Oh, and he decided to tell me this, in front of his mother, while I was making dinner. Not exactly the way I want to have this conversation. It's been tabled for further discussion.
MH would like 4 kids. I'm tired of being pregnant and I'm not done with pg #2, so I'm thinking he'll be lucky if we have 3. I just don't know if I want to do this again, plus I feel like 2 is all we can handle. Although maybe once Claire is older, like Kindergarten age, I'll feel differently...so I chose undecided.
My husband just had the snip-snip, so no more babies for us. But you'd be amazed at how many people ask if we're having another so we can "try for a girl."
Re: Quick clicky poll