
I am going to die...

I will translate into fahrenheit to be clearer, it is going to be 10 days in a row over 100 fahrenheit starting yesterday. Today was 109.4. Tomorrow will be the same and it may get to 113 before the end of the week.

It's only dropping to 86 overnight.

Put it this way - it buckled the railway tracks today in part of the city loop.

As I said, if I die young it will be from this heat. I seriously need to set up a migration every Jan-Feb either towards Antarctica or the northern hemisphere.?

I know there are places in the US that get this hot in summer too. I also know I could never live there. Family ties keep me living in this town, otherwise I would so move to somewhere with colder winters and cooler summers!

OK off to dunk my head in a bucket of water for the 4th time (it saves water to do this rather than turn the shower on).?

Re: I am going to die...

  • And here I am thinking I'm going to die from 3 weeks of the temp not hitting the above freezing mark. If only we could average our two temps (15 degrees Farenheit here right now), 62 degrees sounds lovely!
  • It's 20 degrees here and the high for the day is not much higher.  We're forecasted to get at least 8 inches of snow throughout the day, which  means I'm going to be driving to and from work in an absolute mess.  I'd kill to be in warm weather right now....even hot weather.  Do what I'm going to do today and just stay inside all day.  You must have a/c, right?
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  • 113 ain't so bad - we had a record number of days above 110 here last summer.  We just stay inside.
  • Err no. No aircon. Not as bad as Europe where there's no aircon anywhere but here it is really only in shopping malls and there's only 1 of those near here and that's a 15 min walk so I'm not sure it is worth it. DS's daycare has evaporative cooling which isn't as good but its something.

    ?In general it is a nice temperate climate but this time of year it often has a month of frightfully hot weather. The houses are ok inside for a couple of days but then they don't cool down enough overnight and you just bake for a couple of weeks until "the change".

    I tell you next year I'm going to NZ for Jan-Feb.

    You will probably see complaints about the heat at the Australian Open... well where I am is hotter even than that :-(

    OK off to the bucket of water again...?

  • My dad just moved back to NZ from OZ and says it feels like wintertime there... time for you to take a trip, maybe?
  • I am actually jealous. ?It is so cold here and snowing again. ?:(
  • Mmmm...sounds good to me but I'm odd that way.  I live in Michigan and love to be out and about when it is like above 90 (with no air).  I love the heat.  I can't beleive I was born and raised and still live in Michigan with it being so cold. 

    Are you in Australia...sorry I don't know.  Where?  Is it humid there?

  • hopefulmom - yes Australia. In the north (where I grew up) it is very humid. And I find that even worse. But down south it is really very very dry. That does make the heat a little more bearable I have to admit. Today is not quite as hot and it lacks the hot winds of yesterday which is great.

    ?Today a cold shower and sitting wet-haired in front of a fan make it ok.

    Now where I grew up in the subtropics you couldn't do that, you would never get dry hair, you would just be sticky all day.

    I love the winters here - cold but not freezing (gets down around the 40s and 50s at worst). But I could leave the summers.?

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