

So, I found out today that I apparently have HPV ... it's been dormant but now that I'm under a lot of stress, I've developed abnormal cells.  I had to have the biopsy today.  I'm not sure exactly what all this means.  Does anyone else have HPV?  Should I be embarrassed about having it?  You can get be exposed to it by other than sexual means, right?  I'm kind of embarrased even to admit that on this board but I'm a little nervous about it.  What can the biopsy tell? 


  • Everything that I have heard about it is that it is a sexually transmitted disease.  I have not heard that it can be transmitted by other means.  However, I do know that there are a variety of strains. 

    I had mild displaysia in the past, abnormal cells, without having HPV.  After some monitoring, my body took care of it and I am now clear.  A biopsy will be able to tell the extent of the abnormal cells.

  • I was diagnosed with it about 4 years ago when I started having frequent abnormal paps.  Apparently a large percentage of women have it and have no idea they have it because it can lie dormant for years and years.  I had a LEEP done and since then, I haven't had an abnormal PAP since (knock on wood)
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  • You shouldn't be embarrassed. It is very common and is a sexually transmitted disease that can be spread through skin to skin contact. This is what the new vaccine Guardisil (sp?) is supposed to guard against. Most people have some form of HPV but many can fight off the infection and never have abnormal paps. I have had abnormal paps and while I haven't been tested for HPV, the doctors think its a good possibility. The biopsy will just tell how bad the abnormal cells are and if they are precancerous. It could go away on its own or you may end up having to have the cells removed.
  • HPV also causes warts - so kids on playgrounds pass it around to each other. However, from what I understand, the strands that cause cervical dysplasia are only sexually transmitted.

    I had HPV that caused precancerous cells on my cervix. I went through a colposcopy (biopsy) followed by cryosurgery about 8 years ago, and after many, many paps I can say that I'm now HPV free. 

    It sucks, the treatment doesn't feel very good, but it's not horrible. Since you caught it early it is very treatable. 

  • Ditto all the others...unfortunately the type you have is pretty much only sexually transmitted. BUT, they estimate that up to 80% of women will carry some strain of it (there are many) by age 50. Plus, men never have any way of knowing if they carry it since we don't test them & unless they have the strain that causes warts, there are no symptoms in men. Ask your gyn about what strain you have- they usually include that in the testing & can tell you if you have one of the more high risk strains (16 & 18 mostly), which doesnt mean that it will develop into anything per se, just that you have to be extra careful about getting regular paps & follow up.

    I'd be willing to bet that way more friends/family of yours than you know have had this (the majority of anyone who has told you they've had an 'abnormal pap'), so while it is not fun to think about, it really is very common & most women have it resolve on its own with no complications.

    Good luck!

  • I had a pap come back positive about a year ago. I totally freaked out at first since no one that I know has ever had this happen. The dr. did a colposcopy to do the biopsy and it came back negative for cervical cancer. I know just have to have a pap every 6 months instead of annually. Your H may be a carrier of the virus and not even know it b/c there is no testing that can be done on men to see if they have it. I am sure everything will be fine.
  • Positive for HPV in March of 2002, had biopsy done and had cryosurgery done in June of 2002, had paps and biopsies alternating every 3 months.  It still didn't go away so I had a cone biopsy and D&C in September of 2003.  it was positive for Stage 0 cancer but it was just beginning and they got it all.  Went back to pap and biopsy schedule until June of 2004 when is started coming back.  We chose to see if it would resolve itself and as of now it has.  However my GYN said if I get one abnormal pap she would agree to do a complete hysterectomy on me.  I'm done making babies right now and it's more important that I'm here for my children than I have all my body parts.
  • Oh please don't be embarassed. My doctor explained it to me this way....if you have had sex....chances are you have it. I was diagnosed with HPV and dysplasia in 03 and had to have a LEEP done as well and so far no abnormal paps. I know SO many women that have it. It wil be OK.


  • i had a LEEP 7 years ago and have had clean and clear pap's since then. ?apparently it is sexually transmitted, but according to me dad (who's an ob/gyn) can be spread by "skin to skin" contact in that you don't have to have intercourse to get it (kwim). ?my colposcopy (biopsy) showed moderate dysplasia, so that's why they decided to do the LEEP. ?i wound up initially going to the peri with my PG b/c of the prior LEEP. HTH and stay well. ?don't be many people have it.
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