i'm not trying to be snarky but even with 1 infant i had many days when that's all i did. or so it seemed. you could tandem nurse but one of the other 6 babies would have to be getting hungry at some point, right? more power to that woman.

Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
Re: is it humanly possible to nurse 8 babies?
Holycrap. She's going to have to drink her weight in water daily and have the pizza guy on speed dial. And a wet nurse or three.
OMG! ??
Liam is 5!
I agree with you. 100%
I doubt it, I mean it just isn't natural to produce that many children. It would never happen with out modern medicine intervening.
I agree 100%. I know of people who have EBF 3, but I don't think it's possible for anything more than that. Your body isn't meant to have 8 kids, and it's not meant to produce milk for 8 kids.
I also agree with this sentiment.