
is it humanly possible to nurse 8 babies?

i'm not trying to be snarky but even with 1 infant i had many days when that's all i did. or so it seemed.  you could tandem nurse but one of the other 6 babies would have to be getting hungry at some point, right?  more power to that woman.

Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}

Re: is it humanly possible to nurse 8 babies?

  • talk about feeling like a cow!!!!
    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • eesh, I figured anything more than twins is damn near impossible.
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  • Sure, if you're a cat. I think she'll be doing a lot of pumping.
  • I imagine there would be lots of supplementing involved, but I don't know for sure.
  • Could you imagine the amount of milk she would have to produce?  The woman will never sleep...ever.
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  • I've been thinking about this since I heard she was going to BF them.  It would seem like the babies will be constantly attached to her.
  • Holycrap.  She's going to have to drink her weight in water daily and have the pizza guy on speed dial.  And a wet nurse or three.

  • imagecristiana:
    Sure, if you're a cat.?

    OMG! ??

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • That's all she'd be doing around the clock but I totally believe it's possible.
  • I seriously doubt she'll even try to nurse 8 babies. The health of those poor babies is obviously not a priority to her, or she wouldn't have let those irresponsible doctors knock her up with a litter.
  • Maybe it is possible and I'm all for BFing but why would you even want to?  How on earth can you take care of 8 infants and think that you are going to BF?  THat would be all that you do! 
    Liam is 5!
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  • I could be wrong, but can someone actually produce THAT much milk? Seriously, I am sure if she does bf there will be supplementing.
  • imageBluesmoothee:
    I seriously doubt she'll even try to nurse 8 babies. The health of those poor babies is obviously not a priority to her, or she wouldn't have let those irresponsible doctors knock her up with a litter.


    I agree with you. 100%

  • imagereynah:
    I could be wrong, but can someone actually produce THAT much milk? Seriously, I am sure if she does bf there will be supplementing.

    I doubt it, I mean it just isn't natural to produce that many children. It would never happen with out modern medicine intervening.

  • imageMelandJeff:

    I could be wrong, but can someone actually produce THAT much milk? Seriously, I am sure if she does bf there will be supplementing.

    I doubt it, I mean it just isn't natural to produce that many children. It would never happen with out modern medicine intervening.

    I agree 100%. I know of people who have EBF 3, but I don't think it's possible for anything more than that. Your body isn't meant to have 8 kids, and it's not meant to produce milk for 8 kids.

  • All other judgements aside, she would need to produce a minimum of about 200 ounces per day to EBF them all.  I pumped exclusively for my twins and the most I ever got was in the high 70s, and that was when I was going for 30 minutes every 2 hours.  I don't think, even with a ton of help, that anyone could produce that amount for an extended period of time. 
    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

  • Not totally.  I doubt she would do it for long anyway.  I know someone who nursed triplets exclusively and she was always feeding one or the other of them.  She stopped at 5 months.
  • imageMelandJeff:

    I seriously doubt she'll even try to nurse 8 babies. The health of those poor babies is obviously not a priority to her, or she wouldn't have let those irresponsible doctors knock her up with a litter.


    I agree with you. 100%

    I also agree with this sentiment. 

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