Dear Grocery Store Gawkers,
I understand that you may have never seen twins before. Let alone, twins as cute as Ella and Landrie. Furthermore, I understand that the sight of a mom pushing a double wide stroller while pulling a cart that can't possibly hold anything else is a sight that might make you stop. I undertand the look in your eyes when you see me coming through, that look that says, "I'm so glad that's not me, but you." I assure you, I'm glad it is me as well. What I do not understand is the need to jump in front of me, forcing me to stop so that you can ask everything you could possibly want to know about me and my babies. Obviously, as you eventually always point out, I do have my hands full and I'm just trying to grocery shop like everyone else. Yes, they are both girls and I am aware that one is sooo much bigger and has more hair. Yes, I do have my hands full, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Yes, I did try breastfeeding, but we moved on to formula after about a month, thanks for asking. Yes, I had them "naturally", they are not a freak of nature after all; but I know what you mean by this question, so they were born via c-section. They were born 4 weeks early and yes they were in the NICU. No, I wasn't aware the "the smaller one" looks like a boy even though she is in head to toe pink, and I do not wish to argue the fact that she is indeed a little girl. Basically what I'm trying to say here,Grocery Store Gawkers, is put yourself in my shoes for one second before you jump in front of me. It is not an easy task to stop the moving vehicles that I'm navigating through the crowded aisles and I just want to get the job done as quickly as possible. I write this open letter to warn you that I may not be so nice the next time that you decide to jump in front of me to ask the inevitable. I may just have to start yelling to get the hell out of my way and to stop asking how I birthed my children! If this doesn't work, I may even have to resort to running you over. Sorry, but you've been warned! Have a lovely day...
A frustrated Mommy
Thanks for letting me vent guys are the only people that can truly relate!
Re: An open letter vent
ahhhhh crap! Is this what I have to look forward to?
I wont be nice!
hmmmm maybe Ill just have a shirt made to say something like this just shorter lol
You forgot to mention the "are they twins" question.
My letter would have to include that along with something about how they are identical and how could you not realize it when they sitting beside each other and look, you guessed it....IDENTICAL! Yeah, that means they look just alike! Oh, and I usually have my ds with me as well who is only 1yr, 10days older but looks 2yrs older and still get asked if they are triplets. Um no, see how he is much bigger, talks in sentences, and is walking and not in a stroller?
I feel your pain. Im seriously going to make out note cards that explain everything about the girls and just hand them to whoever stops me and then continue to walk.
Its like it must make their day complete to know all the details. They are 2.5yrs old and I still get asked what their birth weights were.
One man asked if they were identical (they were dressed the exact same from head to toe) and I said no. This one is my neighbors and this one is mine, they are 2yrs apart in age. He then said, well I swear I thought they were identical twins, they look just alike. I said, nope not even related and walked away.
AMEN to that! I feel like you are my MoM twin - to the "T". I couldn't have said it better myself.
Well done!
DITTO! Would people please leave us alone? We aren't looking to make friends in Walmart. Leave my kids alone. And no, you cannot touch them! Why do people always feel like they can come up and touch my children? I always say "No you may not,. I am trying to protect them from germs" With a big smile on my face.
When asked if they are twins, I like to say "No, they are 4 months apart."
"Are they twins?" Yes they are. "Well one has brown hair and brown eyes, and one has blonde hair and blue eyes." THAT IS BECAUSE THEY ARE FRATERNAL! They do not share the same genetic make-up. 2 separate eggs people. I like to ask them if they look exactly the same as their brother or sister that is not their identical twin.
(I understand that some fraternal twins can look very similar. but mine don't)