
time out ?

Our DD is 19months old but acts like she's 2.5.. I need some tips on timeouts with her and where to do this etc..

 I've been just putting her in her bedroom for a few mins and then telling her why we don't do what she did...


Any tips are greatly appreciated..

Re: time out ?

  • I chose a chair in another room away from his toys, us, anything exciting going on.  And then when the time is up he needs to apologize and then hug/kiss.  And before he gets up I refresh is memory about why he was in time out (or ask him...sometimes he remembers).
  • Just a tip I heard a long time ago that I have taken with me.  DS is 3.5 years, DD is 2.5 years.  I heard and have never given them time out in their bedrooms.  You want her room to be a safe place for her, some place that she loves to go to, not a place she associates with punishment.  My DC's get time out on the steps, not near their toys, tv, us, anything stimulating.  Then as previous poster said, explain again the reason for the time out, make her apologize, and hug/kiss.
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  • For Jake, I bought a placemat (for a kitchen table) its just a green circle, big enough for him to sit on, we have it in the living room by the wall. He gets 1 warning: "jake, we don't throw toys. Next time, you're going to time out." Next time he does it, I say "we don't throw, go to time out." and walk him over to the spot. He sits there until I say he can get up (about a min, little more) and then I say "we don't throw our toys, it's not nice. Give me hugs." We hug and he goes back to playing. If he throws again, it's immediately back to T.O....

    Hope that helps!

  • How do you get them to sit??  She doesn't sit for more then 2 seconds
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