
So I guess my brother is a Daddy!

My brother's girlfriend has a two year old little boy.  His real Dad is not involved at all and hasn't been since the beginning.  DB started dating his gf a little more then a year ago.  When I first met the two of them the little boy was calling my brother Uncle.  The last few times I've hung out with him I noticed he was calling my brother Daddy.  My brother has been a wonderful father figure to this little boy and has become a part of our family along with DB's GF. 

It's just so strange to hear my baby brother called Daddy!  I just hope he knows that Daddy is for life and not just until/if (they are super solid so I see this being a permanent thing someday) they break up.  And is it strange to you that his gf lets him call him Daddy?  He pretty much is but it took me aback the first time I heard him say it. 

Liam is 5!
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Re: So I guess my brother is a Daddy!

  • Umm, I think that is a little strange.  Even though the boy's father is no where in sight, it still doesn't seem right to have him call your brother Daddy.  If they were married and he was in the process of adopting him, that would a different story IMO. 

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  • I think it is wrong unless he is married to the niece went through 4 "daddy" before my sister finally married the 5 guy.  It messed her up a lot.  My step-son's Mom had him call her husband of less than a year Daddy even though my DH is very involved in his life & he has moved in with us this year.  That caused a huge uproar in his life too when they split up he was mad at his Mom for getting rid of "dad" her-ex.  Not to mention how my DH felt when he heard him call him that.
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  • I see nothing wrong with it.  Being that I was once in that very situation I see it as sweet and perfectly acceptable.  DS#1 started calling me mom long before DH and I got married.  As a matter of fact, he was calling me mom before we even moved to FL and started living together.  Nobody told him to do it, he just did it and we never discouraged it.  At that time he had come up with his own distinction...I was called "Mom" and he called the egg donor (which he occassionally saw) "Mommy"....

    ETA: Now both the egg donor and I are both "Mom"....he does however call her by her first name from time to time that I've heard, and I've never heard him do that with my name.

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