
Okay, the Duggars had CORN DOGS on their wedding menu.

I just went to to see if I could watch the episode from last night.  No luck, but there are some videos/pics and the wedding menu was included: crab salad, chicken salad, meat balls & corn dogs.  Uhhh, yum?

Re: Okay, the Duggars had CORN DOGS on their wedding menu.

  • image
    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • Hey hey hey now!  Corn dogs are deeeee-lish!!!!
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  • imagekittycarr:
    Hey hey hey now!  Corn dogs are deeeee-lish!!!!


    I wonder if they were mini corn dogs or if they were the on-the-stick variety...

  • Corn dogs are normally "kid friendly" and I'm guessing there were a couple of kids there, right?
  • imagespringmom:
    Corn dogs are normally "kid friendly" and I'm guessing there were a couple of kids there, right?

    a couple dozen...;) 

  • imagespringmom:
    Corn dogs are normally "kid friendly" and I'm guessing there were a couple of kids there, right?


  • imagespringmom:
    Corn dogs are normally "kid friendly" and I'm guessing there were a couple of kids there, right?


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  • Can I just say the favorite, most laughable part was when it went to commercial break....and it was "brought to you by Plan B" or whatever the day after pill is called.

    Really?  Did the duggers pick the sponsers?  I'm guessing....NO!!!  Wonder how they felt about that!

  • imageDandR:

    Can I just say the favorite, most laughable part was when it went to commercial break....and it was "brought to you by Plan B" or whatever the day after pill is called.

    Really?? Did the duggers pick the sponsers?? I'm guessing....NO!!!? Wonder how they felt about that!


    omg ?I haven't watched it yet, but that is just freakin hilarious! ?WOW.?

  • I envy their simplicity!
  • Nothing wrong with a good corn dog. It's not like it was a black-tie event.
  • That's my kind of wedding. :-) I think I may have a corn dog for lunch now.

  • Corn dogs are perfect for kids...and since the bride and groom were pretty much kids themselves, I don't see the problem!

     And, if you recall, their wedding registry included tons and tons of candy and soda, so I'm not surprised! Big Smile

    She's crafty - and she's just my type.
  • Well, they do eat tater tot casserole on a regular basis.  Are you really surprised?
    Mom to Lily Gayle 4.25.06 Charlotte Kathleen 3.27.09 Samuel Thomas ~8.4.12~
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  • imageDandR:

    Can I just say the favorite, most laughable part was when it went to commercial break....and it was "brought to you by Plan B" or whatever the day after pill is called.

    Really?  Did the duggers pick the sponsers?  I'm guessing....NO!!!  Wonder how they felt about that!

    Oh wow! Really? That's messed up...

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