
anyone use zoom whitening take home kit? qs about whitening

how often do you use it and how long each time? does it make you salivate/drool when you have it in? how much of the solution do you put in each time, in every tooth space or every other one etc?

it seems when I do crest white strips or any other whitening so far for some reason it makes me salivte more than I normally would hence need to swallow and taste the bleaching stuff.  is it dangerous to swallow some of that stuff? is there a trick to not salivate so much while whitening? tia

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Re: anyone use zoom whitening take home kit? qs about whitening

  • in the begining I was doing it like every other day....but now maybe once a week. or whenever I feel like I need it. My teeth are super sensitive so i hate doing it. I drool alot too. I have to spit couple times :( yuck! I don't think it's bad for you...that wouldn't make sense if it were. I put some in every tooth space.
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  • how long do you do it for each time?
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  • I only do like 30min each. I think you are suppose to it for teeth get too sensitive.
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