
Moms of Boys

Do you ever worry about being a mother-in-law?

I'm so scared that my boys are gonna grow up and meet girls that don't like!  I know this is silly but I just want them to stay home with me forever!! LOL

Re: Moms of Boys

  • haha, my dh always tells me that i shouldn't be so hard on my mil, because i'm gonna be just like her one day..

    i hope so much im not ..she is a wonderfully nice person just wants to be VERY VERY ?involved.and im just not that kind of person...

    if anything, im afraid i will be the kind of mil that thinks no girl is good enough?

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  • lol. One of my first worries about having THREE boys was having THREE DIL's, lol.

    I'm worried they will find love across the country and move far away... their wives will steal them from me and i'll hate them :(

    so i'm working on setting up marriages to my friend's daughters who live nearby- hhahah.

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  • LOL!  I'm glad I'm not alone!  I want mine to marry my friends kids too so that I know I'll have a good DIL's mom.  :) 
  • I never thought about it until now.  So thanks for that!  haha! 

    Did you happen to catch that reality show "Momma's Boys"?  Talk about a MIL from hell!  Yikes!

  • GREAT idea Mrs.Lee!

    My MIL has been here this week and although she is a saint for doing all of the night feedings, she is just stuck in the mindset (with everything) of 'this is the way we did it back then so this is the way we should do it now.' 

    Thank God she has even started to get on DH nerves so I can actually vent (a bit).


  • omg. every day. My mom and one of my brothers do not speak because of my snatch of a sister in law. And my MIL... ugh. She's a hot mess. But at least my DH thinks so too.

    I really worry about it!

  • I worry a little, but mostly I think about how I have an opportunity to be an awesome MIL - the one I never had!!! - and not do all of those things that my MIL does that drive me crazy (and mine would be a very long list!)
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