
104.8 temp today.

DS hasn't been below 101.8 yet today. ?Got up to 104.8 at one point. ?The 101 was after motrin and a cool spongebath. ?

Pede said to keep an eye on him & to bring him in if he gets worse or continues through tomorrow. ?There's nothing else going on other than 2 teeth coming in. ?

I need happy thoughts, this sucks.

Re: 104.8 temp today.

  • Oh no!  Poor B!  I hope he's feeling better soon.
    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • I hope he feels better soon.  I hate fevers and that one is high.  Poor babe.
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  • I hope he feels better soon!

  • Have you tried alternating Motrin and Tylenol so he can have more med in him? Poor baby (and you). Hope he eels better soon.
  • Poor Bryan and poor mommy! ?Hang in there, both of you and I hope he feels better soon!
    Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
  • Our pedi says NOT to alternate drugs, you should definitely call tomorrow.  DD has been sick for almost 2 weeks and they did a thumb prick/white cell count on her the second time I brought her in and her count was SUPER high.  She's being treated for an infection while we speak.  She is also teething (molars) but I think they should rule out if your son is sick with something else that's just not showing symptoms other than fever.

    Good luck, I'll definitely be thinking about you guys!

  • With such a high fever and his age I would guess Roseola.  Look it up...after the fever breaks he will get a rash if it is Roseola.  Take care!
  • We've been bouncing between 102 and 105 for the last 3 days here. 

    We are so twins separated at birth. . . our kids are even getting eachother sick.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
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