
Pay It Forward moment at Meijer tonight...

So L got a little cranky in line, so I took him while DH paid and L and I walked around.  I meet back up with DH & he tells me that the woman in front of him in line paid for her groceries & then walked over to DH & put some cash in his hand.  He looked at her & she said "this is for you and your family."  He tried to refuse, but she waived him off and said "just take it" before hurrying off.  He looked down & it was two $20 bills.

DH & the cashier were both shocked, just standing there & the cashier made a joke about how the woman could've given it to her because she is just a "struggling college student."  DH handed over a $20 to her & said "well, here then.  We'll split it."

I can't believe I missed this & am so in awe of this woman and her random act of kindness...and that DH returned the favor to someone who could really use it.

I guess there *are* some good people out there.  Amazing.

Re: Pay It Forward moment at Meijer tonight...

  • Wow!  That's really cool (although, what if you guys were already wealthy?  I can't see myself just giving away money randomly like that, but more power to her if she wants to, I guess!).  Someone I know was in a drive-thru once and when she got to the window to pay, the person in front of her had paid for her order, just as a random act of kindness.  Being nice rules!
  • that's crazy and totally random. It's nice to hear good things like that!
    Christmas 2009 image
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  • Cubby...I thought the same thing.  We're by no means "wealthy" but we're comfortable & I couldn't help but think there must have been other people there who could use it more.  But I wonder if that's part of the random kindness thing...not knowing what situation the people are in.  I told DH we need to do that someday to return the favor in full.
  • I love stories like this. Whenever we go through a pay toll bridge (not that often) I pay for the car behind me. Once my DH and I were at dinner and the couple across from us paid our entire bill. We were just shocked, it was a nice dinner probably $50 or more. It was so nice of them and made our day!
  • It's nice to hear stories like that. Thanks for sharing. That made me smile.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • What a sweet thing to do. And kudos to your dh for splitting it with the cashier.

  • That's so sweet (both the lady and YH).  I love to hear about things like that...  Alexander got a dollar from an "old man" one day.  He will NOT leave the house without his dollar.  It has to stay in the pocket of his coat.  He's always checking, "I still have the dollar the old man gave me"... too cute, and I love that he appreciates that dollar so much.
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