suggested letting him cry it out. She said the first night could take 5 or 6 hours, but the second night is so much shorter and by the third its right away. She said shes seen it so many times. I just don't know if I can do that! The other two were so easy. Help me:)
Re: How do you get an eight month old to sleep through the night? The doctor
I also can't believe it would take 5 or 6 hours. My dcs were much younger when I did CIO, but they never cried more than 20 minutes at a time.
I HIGHLY recommend "The No Cry Sleep Solution" book. You can order a used copy off of Amazon for cheap! It worked for us!
Good luck!
DD turned 7 months the week before Christmas and was still waking up every 2.5-3 hours. ?I was beyond exhausted and could not do it anymore so... ?I decided to let him CIO. ?The first night, he cried for 15 minutes, the next night 5 minutes and... has slept through since pretty much.
DD ( who is now 3.5) was a great sleeper early on and I remember thinking that I could never do CIO and that it was cruel etc. ?Well, after 7 months of crappy sleep ( plus 9 months of crappy pregnant sleep) ?I just could not do it anymore..
Give it a try and see.
Good luck:)?