
XBG - Hello!

Hi.  I have a few minutes while both girls are sleeping so I popped on to see what is happening.  How are you?  When did Brooke become a 5 year old??!! Smile  She seriously has gotten so big and looks older.  It seems like our kids are growing so fast!!! Crying

Re: XBG - Hello!

  • congrats Ragdoll - Abigail is precious!!!

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • Hi my darling!!! How are you!

    I feel so awful because I've had no time to send out something for your girls (by the time I do it'll be useless).

    How are you, they both look absolutely beautiful! How is L now, is she getting better? More adjusted? How's Abby? What's new with her?

    B was born a 5 year old! lol

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  • Thanks neeser!

     Marina don't worry about sending anything.  Things are not improving.  Abby only gained an ounce this week and her reflux is getting worse.  SHe is now on Reglan.  She takes Lasix for her heart, and Zantac and Reglan for her reflux.  Every feeding has some drug with it.  She has had some really good feeding days this week - eating in 30 mins. and eating a lot (the drs. want her to start eating eating more from 50ml to 75ml every 3 hours).  She was doing great early inteh week and now yesterday and today not so good.  Hopefully the Reglan will kick in and help.

     Lor is doing so so.  She is now regressing with her potty training.  She has wet her pants, but mostly is pooping in her pants.  It is just another thing to stress about.  We are trying to be calm as possible about it, but today she pooped twice in 30 mins. in her underwear.  Otherwise she is doing a little better.  She is definately jealous.  We try to each spend alone time with her and involve her with Abby. I think it willget better - I am just more worried about the potty training.  I keep telling myself this too will pass! LOL  We plan on taking her alone to the Disney on Ice show.  It has the Princesses and Tinker Bell - she will love it and it will be a day for just me, her and DH. 

  • Wow, you have a lot going on. I'm sorry that Abby is still not gaining as much as you'd hoped. All you can do is try, right? I know you are doing all you can, for both of them. In the process, don't forget yourself, you know. Take care of you too!

    This will pass. I feel so bad for Lor too. Do you want to send her to me for a few days? lol

    I send you all my prayers and good thoughts. I really hope things turn around soon.

    Hugs to you!!!!!!

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