
Rachael Ray cookbooks?

Anyone have one?  I have pretty much all of Paula Deens and some of Ina's, and a bunch of others but the majority of their recipes are not quick things I can do (or dh can do) after work.  Since I like to eat before 9, I thought a 30 minute meal book would be good.  If you have one, which is it?

Re: Rachael Ray cookbooks?

  • I have the 30 Minute Meal one.  It's o.k.  I LOVE Paula Deen!
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  • H has a bunch of then. I like the one that has 15-30-and 60 min. meals. More variety
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  • I have a few and love the recipes, they have great flavor.  My only complaint would be that RR likes to use a TON of ingredients in her recipes!
  • j*w is right.  and they aren't your typical ingredients either - like instead of white onion you have to find some onion that was grown in the south of newfoundland.

    ok, i'm exaggerating - obviously you can tell i stick to what i can find in the price chopper produce department.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • 30 Minute Meals my ass.  I bought one of those cookbooks and was all excited to use it.  Sadly, the sous chef was not included.  When you have to do all the chopping and prepping yourself, it wound up being about a 3 hour meal.  And it wasn't that great. 
    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

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