Our kitchen table chairs are literally falling apart. I'm now down from 4 to 3, and one is on it's last legs, literally. We like the table, but the legs are unsturdy on that as well. I've tried gluing the chair legs but it didn't work. Here are my options:
1. Replace the entire set. Haven't really found much we like, and we don't have alot of money to spend.
2. Replace just the chairs. Easy enough, since the wood is oak. Even if it doesn't match the table perfectly no one will really notice since I have a tablecloth on it.
3. Buy a new table/chair set from a local thriftstore and repaint/restain it.
I think i'm leaning towards #2. Seems easiest and most efficient. I'd do #3 but everytime I try to do smoething crafty it is a mess. Plus dh is a perfectionist and it would take him FOREVER to paint them.
Re: NPR: WWYD re: kitchen table and chairs