This is the first chance I have had to get online since Tuesday so here goes:
I was at work watching the inauguration when DH called to tell me S had stopped breathing and turned blue. He had called 911 and done mouth to mouth and they took her to the local hospital. I met them at the hospital and they then transferred us down to the childrens hospital. We have been here ever since.
After a ton of tests they determined that she has apnea and we will be sent home with oxygen, monitors and more. They also did a feeding study on her so now she also is feeding through an NG tube. Apparently both she and C are having so many issues because of their low muscle tone (diaphragm not working hard enough, throat muscles not able to swollow, back muscles causing scoliosis). I am so happy to have a reason behind all of these problems, but I am exhausted. We have them in First Steps (EI), but they haven't decided yet how often they will get PT and OT.
We are doing a second sleep study tonight to determine how much oxygen she will need during her naps/bedtime and hopefully we'll be out of here by the weekend. They are also doing a ton of genetic testing on all 4 of us to see if it is something they both happen to have or if it is a chromosomal thing.
DH is a mess over everything that happened on Tuesday...he feels like he could have done more. I've tried to tell him that saving our daughter's life was the best thing he ever could have done. I'm trying to talk him into getting counseling, but honestly at this point I have no idea when we'll have the time. We're both pretty much out of steam. Sorry for the bummer post, I'm just blah.
Re: Back in the hospital...long
I can't imagine how scared he must have been! Christopher had apnea and a monitor. Even though it was a pain in the butt, it was also a huge reassurance to us. If you have any questions feel free to ask. In the meantime, snuggle your little one and your husband!
Oh your poor terrifying! Tell him I think he's a farking need to feel bad!
i'm sorry to hear about the apnea. :-( I hope they both get the help they need..and that you and your husband get the help you need.
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
OMG! Sweetie, are YOU okay? How terrible for all 4 of you to have to go through all of this.
You are in my thoughts and prayers!
OMG, you guys have been through hell lately
THANK GOD your husband was able to keep his wits about him to do mouth-to-mouth.
I can't imagine all that you've been through and I'll keep your girls in my prayers.
I hear you on the counseling. I think I need some from our birth, but being a SAHM to preemie twins? not gonna happen.
I am so sorry please keep us posted
OMG how scary! I'm so sorry. Your husband saved her life and in my eyes he is a hero!!! I'll keep you and your little ones in my prayers. <<<HUGS>>>
oh my i am so sorry you guys are going thru this. i can only imagine how shook up your dh is right now. his quick thinking saved her life.
you guys are in my thoughts and prayers.