
Help! If you were a 1 year old where would you hide keys?

My niece hid DH keys this morning and we still can't find them. I am out of ideas of where to look. Help!
Isabella Sophia 10/1/2006 Photobucket "little miss Avocado

Re: Help! If you were a 1 year old where would you hide keys?

  • Down the laundry chute - that's where DS likes to throw things.  Either that or in the garbage.
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  • shoes? under the couch?  couch cushions?  Anythign low with a hole (like a vase?)
  • Under a pillow, under the couch, in the entertainment center, in a toy box, is there any place she could have stood and threw/dropped them behind something, like behind a table?
  • inside ride on toy seat !!!  quick go check
  • #6#6 member

    Inside the vaccum.  Ours sits out due to lack of anywhere to store it and we use it twice a day for our LR.  On the side there is a place a brush can go.  We took the brush out because the kids use it as a weapon.  They like to put every small object in that hole and I have found my keys and cell phone there 3 times. 

    Best bet is to get down and crawl around.  Slowly look at everything in the room and explore places to hide things.  :)  You may look silly but most of the time it works. 

  • DS likes to put things in our front loading washer (I sometimes leave it open to air it out).

    Inside shoes.

    Ditto trash suggestion & inside compartment of riding toys.

    Any handbags out?  Backpacks?

  • imagegogadget:
    inside ride on toy seat !!!  quick go check


    oooh good one!  I had to back track DS at one year through several rooms, every room had a clue to his last location.  I finally figured it out when I saw the bread pan in our entryway...went to the kitchen and voila - keys on the shelf where the bread pan sits.  Not that this is going to help you out any but check the cabinets (if you have any that aren't locked), ditto on the trash, oh and the diaper bag if you leave it open and on the floor.  Mine have been in there several times.  Hmmmm.....maybe the toybox or where the toys are kept.  Oh, and couch cushions and under the couch/chairs.  Can you tell I am scanning my room reminicing on all the places we have found things :) 

  • "Twy sentwa"??


  • Inside any toy trucks or cars.  That's where my DD put my spare set of keys (to make it "go" of course!)  They were missing for a good 6 months and it never occurred to me to ask Katy where they were.  When I misplaced my other set of keys, I was frantic since the spare set was also missing.  I asked Katy if she had seen my keys, thinking she would take me to the set I had just misplaced 5 minutes earlier.  Instead, she took me straight to the truck, opened up the back and pulled out the spare set.  Makes me wish I had asked her 6 months sooner!
  • In the toilet.....flushed away.  At least that's what happens at my house!
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