Babies: 9 - 12 Months

? About restaurant high chairs

Are you ever afraid that your DC will throw themselves back in those ones without a back on them?  We rarely eat out now, but we plan on it this weekend and I'm worndering if that's a concern I should have.  Arlo is pretty steady, but sometimes when he's playing on the floor he'll throw himself back and hit his head.

Re: ? About restaurant high chairs

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    Don't they have belts? We're planning to use his shopping cart cover when he sits in a high chair; even if the seat doesn't have a belt we'll use the one on his cover.


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    I think they have belts, but I wasn't sure about it.
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    the ones at the restaurants around here have belts.
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    I put ds is them all the time, they have belts, ds sits up well in them and he hasn't tried to through himself back....he's always too interested on whats going on around him and at the table.  GL and if you are still not sure, most resturants let you bring in a strollerSmile

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    My brother works in the restaurant businsss and I think I remember him telling me that they have to have seat belts...?

    Its part of a child safety law with high chaird....

    Another piece of info is that some restaurants put their high chairs upside down to use as a car seat holder and that is against the law too!

    For people who bring in their infants into the dinning areas with their infant car seats, the waiters are supposed to give you a new type of chair like object that is used to hold carseats?

    ?The high chairs at the dinning areas being upside down; I have seen done before at places and the waiters were talked to by management

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    Yes, they have buckles.  We bought DS a booster seat (Fisher Price) and take that with us.  We buckle it to a chair and it is so much sturdier and more comfortable for him.


    And yes, pp, turning the high chair upside down is definitely dangerous.  Koala makes a sling type thing that fits infant carriers really well.  I was so excited when I saw them starting to show up at restaurants, but not everyone has them.  I always tell management about them when they don't have them.

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    are the backs of the restaurant high chairs any lower than the bumbo??  ds never had a problem with them.
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