From our local paper:
SUV Smashes into Planned Parenthood office in St. Paul
On the 36th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion, a man smashed his car into the entrance of the Planned Parenthood office in St. Paul.
The man, who has refused to identify himself, was arrested and charged with aggravated assault, said police spokesman Peter Panos.
"We think it's intentional because of Roe vs. Wade," Panos said. "He's not saying much. He was praying or chanting when the officers arrived."
About 7:30 a.m., the man rammed his Ford SUV into the front door of the office on Ford Parkway. One employee was inside at the time, but was not injured, Panos said.
Re: What a wacko- SUV smashes into Planned Parenthood
what an idiot!
I'm all for peaceful protesting... you wanna protest roe v wade, go right ahead... stand there, pray, whatever... but don't intentionally hurt people (isn't that what you're preaching against!?! hello!!!) and DON'T hold those damn pics up of aborted fetuses in the middle of the day on a busy street for my 3 y/o to see and ask about. Oh that just pi$$ed me off. and it happened months ago.
It really irritates me that a few fanatical extremeists must ruin the pro life name for the rest of them.
Not everyone who is prolife is a crazy religious fanatic and not everyone who is prochoice wants to abort all the babies.