15 months. She was never really comfortable in there and it's such a pain to drag around. We got the peapod plus instead and she still uses that and loves it when we sleep anywhere else.
DD still uses one when we travel because it's convenient. BUT she is just starting to sleep in a regular bed and I can't wait until we don't have to lug the PNP around if there is a bed for her to sleep in. She is getting a bit big for it now but we do have a tent on it since she started climbing out at 19 months. Not a problem now, but she's used to it so we still use it.
DS - we used one only for travel until he was 9 months, then we were living in temporary housing (1 bdrm apt) and it was his crib until he was 11 months and we got permanent housing.
DD - we used it until she was almost 5 months. That's when she moved to her own room.
DD is 2.5 and we still use it if we are away from the house (at IL's or my parent's house) for naptime and to sleep in.
I was starting to think that I was only one that still used it. We travel often and stay the night often. Preston is not in a big boy bed yet, so we still need the pnp. Does your dd still seem small enough for it? I'm worried that ds might be getting too long for it. I"m going today to get a better mattress pad for it. The one that came with it sucks and with ds a lot heavier now that he is older, it can't be that comfortable...kwim?
I wish I could still use ours for DS b/c he is not in a big bed yet and we travel ALOT! However, he is so destructive, he pulls the mattress pad up in the PNP and then jumps on the cloth bottom to rip it. Also, a few months ago, we were in a hotel room and we heard him wake up so DH and I watched what he would do (it was dark so he couldn't see us) Well he climbed out. I thought he was going to fall so I ran to grab he, scared the *** out of him and he dived back in the PNP!! That was the last time we used it.
Nia, Mom to Jayden Michael, Born 12/04/06, Adopted 12/07/06
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility!
We only used the bassinet part of the PnP in our living room for a few months, but used the PnP as a travel crib for a long time. In fact, we still used PnP for DD when we travelled over Thanksgiving. In Dec we moved her to a twin bed so i doubt she'll want to go back to the PnP next time we travel, not to mention that her little sister will be using it!
Re: How old was DC when they stopped using the pnp?
We only used it for her to sleep in and she was in it until 6 mos. Then I put her in her crib. She never used it to "hang out" in.
I took her out because the crib was starting to look more comfortable for her.
DS - we used one only for travel until he was 9 months, then we were living in temporary housing (1 bdrm apt) and it was his crib until he was 11 months and we got permanent housing.
DD - we used it until she was almost 5 months. That's when she moved to her own room.
same here. but we only used it for the 1st month or so. then he went to his crib. and now the pnp is under the bed.
I was starting to think that I was only one that still used it. We travel often and stay the night often. Preston is not in a big boy bed yet, so we still need the pnp. Does your dd still seem small enough for it? I'm worried that ds might be getting too long for it. I"m going today to get a better mattress pad for it. The one that came with it sucks and with ds a lot heavier now that he is older, it can't be that comfortable...kwim?
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility!
I'm cracking up at Jayden's antics!!!
We only used the bassinet part of the PnP in our living room for a few months, but used the PnP as a travel crib for a long time. In fact, we still used PnP for DD when we travelled over Thanksgiving. In Dec we moved her to a twin bed so i doubt she'll want to go back to the PnP next time we travel, not to mention that her little sister will be using it!