
Going to the doctor - again - for reflux

Poor Aubrey's reflux isn't getting better, maybe even a bit worse.  She cries because she's hungry and then cries because it obviously hurts to eat.  Her Zantac dosage was increased last week.  We had also switched her to Good Start Natural Cultures formula.  I'm kind of thinking the formula switch is making things worse.  We don't know what the heck to do at this point anymore.  Aubrey doesn't spit up much, she has silent reflux.  Last night when I was holding her I could hear some of the reflux come up.  I watched her face silently scrunch up in pain then she let out a horrible cry.  It's breaking my heart.  Something needs to be done.  We see her pedi/neonatologist (he does both) this afternoon.  Wish us luck.

Re: Going to the doctor - again - for reflux

  • Ask about Prevacid.  The stuff is the best on the market,  And they have a copay waiver program on their website.  Good luck!!
  • good luck today. ?i know how miserable it is to watch her go through this. ?we were in pain for cassidy. ?she started on pepcid and then was switched to prevacid. ?she's on alimentum and it has helped a lot! ?i've heard of a rx formula called elecare that has worked for some really well. ?all i can assure you is that eventually it will get better. ?her reflux was at it's absolute worst from 3-4 months adjusted and it got slowly better after then. ?i'll say a prayer for her.
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  • I would ask about some other reflux meds - I've heard great things about prevacid and prilosec.  I think zantac just shuts down the acid in the stomach and the other meds work by getting food through the digestive system faster.

  • Have they checked her for a milk/soy allergy ?  DS has both and when he was on regular formula or alimentum he was in horrible pain.  His GI tested his stool and found blood so he switched him to Neocate and between that the medication for his reflux he was like a new baby. He still has flare ups, but its not as bad as before when he used to cry upwards of 16+ hours a day.  Good luck!
  • I have brought Brandon is MANY times for his reflux. Isn't it so frustrating?
    Conceived twins with IVF January 2008. Lost baby a at 20 1/2 weeks due to premature rupture of membranes and held onto baby b. Baby b (Brandon) born at 26 weeks and 1 day on July 5, 2008. Wesley born full term on June 29, 2011. My blog Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image
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