Hey all. Haven't had much time to post lately (I'm sure you all can relate ) or even write up my birth story, but I just wanted to see how things are going for my other new MoMs--Just a Kid, Skatcat, etc. How are you and your DH/SO's and twins doing so far?
The 4 of us are doing pretty well, I think. EBFing didn't work out at all so we're doing mostly formula and some expressed breastmilk (I pump about 4 times a day), doing tandem nursing maybe once a day. Long story there but it seemed the best solution for us, especially with my MS and needing to get sleep and avoid undue stress since I'm off my meds right now and risk of an attack spikes at 2w pp (and stays high for the first 6 months, so I'm going to stop BFing altogether and go back on the meds before too long).
Yesterday was DH's first day back at work. He works from home part of the time, so yesterday was OK but today's he's gone at meetings all day so it's my first day totally solo w/the boys. I've been on "solo duty" since 1 a.m. when he went to bed (he let me get 4.5 hrs of solid sleep before that) and I am tired! The boys go back and forth between being in sync with each other (e.g. they both woke up to eat at 2:45 a.m. and 6:15) and being totally out of sync. Right now they're out of sync again but both sleeping at the same time at least, so I have a few minutes here. Will should be waking up any minute to eat again so I should probably go. Just wanted to see how you all are. (And "old" or expecting MoMs, too!!)
Re: Checking in w/my fellow new MoMs
Macchiato! I totally missed your birthdate because of course, as you understand, it seems pretty much impossible the first couple of weeks to do anything other than feed them and sleep when you can.
Now, in our third week, we are just starting to get a bit of a routine going and things are looking brighter.
Congratulations on your boys! I can't wait to hear your story and see photos!
JustAKid... I am so jealous you are done with the horrid bleeding and spotting. I am so ready to be over this. Just when I think things are letting up and almost over, it all starts up again.?
My DH has been back to work for the past two weeks now. Those days can get hard and crazy at times, but we pull through. The only time I really feel stressed or like I might go insane while DH is working, is when both my girls feel the need to scream at the same time. It is hard trying to console two crying babies at the same time when I have not a clue what they want. It is usually well before feeding time, they both will have a clean diaper and rocking, walking, paci and everything else doesnt work. When this happens though, I tend to just start singing silly stupid songs. It doesnt usually do much to calm the girls, but it helps me feel more relaxed.
Good luck with the rest of your day and keep enjoying those little ones. ?