Hello! How many oz does your newborn eat per day? I am just trying to figure out how much milk I need to make per day once the babies come home from nicu. Thanks!!
If I were you, I would keep the same feeding schedule/amount they are currently doing at the NICU. Just talk to the nurses. That would be easiest for everyone.
How much are the babies getting in the NICU? Our babies were born at 32 weeks, 6 days and came home during the "35th" week. When they came home DS was taking 40 ml of BM and DD was around 50 ml of BM per feeding. They are now 2 months old (2 weeks adjusted) and the best we can tell they are taking around 3-3.5 oz per feeding. It is difficult to tell because I nurse them.
I know it is very difficult to do but just trust that your body knows that you had twins and knows how much milk to make but i have found it to be totally true (as long as you are pumping every 3 hours and eating/drinking a lot). I know the nurses in the NICU had to tell me to stop bringing in milk because we were taking up a whole shelf in the freezer and i'm still making enough milk a day to feed at least one more newborn.
Re: How much do they eat?
How much are the babies getting in the NICU? Our babies were born at 32 weeks, 6 days and came home during the "35th" week. When they came home DS was taking 40 ml of BM and DD was around 50 ml of BM per feeding. They are now 2 months old (2 weeks adjusted) and the best we can tell they are taking around 3-3.5 oz per feeding. It is difficult to tell because I nurse them.
I know it is very difficult to do but just trust that your body knows that you had twins and knows how much milk to make but i have found it to be totally true (as long as you are pumping every 3 hours and eating/drinking a lot). I know the nurses in the NICU had to tell me to stop bringing in milk because we were taking up a whole shelf in the freezer and i'm still making enough milk a day to feed at least one more newborn.